Started back in 2009, cryptocurrency is now one of the most discussed industries in the world. Having a market cap of over $1.77 trillion, it is also one of the most worthiest industries in the current era. This is what makes it one of the most demanding dissertation topics in academic institutes as well. If you are looking forward to creating a dissertation topic in cryptocurrency, get connected with Online Dissertation Help Services.
Our experts have extensive knowledge in the cryptocurrency domain, they go through various academic resources and keep themselves updated with the latest trends, news and happenings in the cryptocurrency industry, so that they can provide the best dissertation proposal writing service to come up with a significant topic for you. No matter if you are looking forward to creating topics in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc, this is the perfect platform where you can get your job done.
List Of Cryptocurrency Dissertation Topics In UK
So, what are you still waiting for, grab your pen and mark your most favourite cryptocurrency dissertation topics from the list. Go through the list to identify various topics regarding Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and other coins.
Take inspiration from the listed topics and align them with your personal interests and goals by modifying and editing them. You can also use them as it is if you find them matching to your institute’s requirements. The best thing we offer is personalised assistance in topic creation when you buy dissertation on a custom topic or very specific niche. You can fill out the form to ask us for fresh, original and new technology dissertation topics or dissertation ideas in other disciplines as well.
1. Can Bitcoin Be Taken Up As a Long-Term Investment or Is It Merely A Future Medium Of Exchange?
The following study aims to add to the much-heated debate concerning whether investors Bitcoin has the potential to be viewed as a speculative asset that investors can hold over time or will it continue to merely remain a future medium of exchange.
- To review the controversies associated with the regulation of Bitcoin as a currency of exchange
- To explore the potential of Bitcoin being a speculative asset that investors can hold over time
- To explore the reason behind countries’ inclination towards making Bitcoin a legal tender
- To explore the likely future of Bitcoin as to whether being viewed as an asset for investment or remaining merely a medium of exchange
2. Increasing the Security and Privacy of Bitcoin – A Study to Assess the Role and Implementation of Confidential Transactions
The study primarily aims to determine if confidential transactions of Bitcoin can provide users security and financial privacy.
- To explore the concept of confidential transfer in relation to cryptocurrencies
- To review crypto-techniques that are available to protect money values of users from the public
- To examine the function of confidential transactions to ensure no loss of digital currency takes place when a transaction occurs without disclosing the exact number of transfers
- To assess the confidential transactions can be implemented to ensure no loss of digital currency takes place during a transaction without disclosing the exact number of transfers
3. Assessing the Success Factors of Ethereum and Bitcoin and Evaluating their Performance
The study takes a critical approach to examine how Ethereum and Bitcoin have performed against each other as well as assesses the factors that have led to one being more successful in comparison to the other one.
- Review the reason for the popularity of Bitcoin and Ethereum as two cryptocurrencies utilised by digital financial marketplaces
- Review points of differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum
- To critically assess the performance of each currency in the global financial marketplace
- To critically analyse the factors that have led one currency to being more successful in comparison to the other one
4. A Study to Examine How Bitcoin is Used to Facilitate Illegal Activities by Evaluating Virtual Transactions Used for Money Laundering
The study aims to examine the potential of Bitcoin in facilitating illegal acts (money laundering) resulting from the perceived uncertainty of users that is typically provided by Cryptocurrency.
- Assess the reasons for the popularity of Bitcoin among drug traffickers, money launderers and other criminals
- To present data on the issue of perceived uncertainty of users provided by Bitcoin
- To offer a complete understanding of the flaws of policymakers and politicians that have allowed cryptocurrencies to remain complex
- To provide suggestions for strict policy measures that can be taken to stop Bitcoin from being used as a popular platform for money laundering

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5. Examining the Drawbacks and Benefits Associated with the Adoption of Cryptocurrency as a Medium of Exchange and the Future of Bitcoin Following the Covid-19 Pandemic
The following study aims to take a critical approach to examine the drawbacks and benefits associated with the adoption of Cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange and the future of Bitcoin following the Covid-19 pandemic.
- To critically examine the drawbacks associated with the adoption of Cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange
- To critically examine the benefits associated with the adoption of Cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange
- To examine the reasons behind countries’ legal tenderisation of Bitcoin e.g. El Salvador to predict the future of Bitcoin following the Covid-19 pandemic
6. Identifying Whether Cryptocurrencies Possess the Potential to Lead to New Investment Opportunities Following the Covid-19 Pandemic
The study focuses on identifying the presence of investment opportunities for cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple) amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.
- To review the global economic crisis brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic
- To identify the presence of investment opportunities for cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple) amidst the Covid-19 pandemic
- To determine whether the investment opportunities identified can help in recovering from the global economic crisis which resulted as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic
7. Evaluating the Growth of Cryptocurrencies Over the Last 10 Years: Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple
The research aims to give a detailed review of how Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple have grown over the last 10 years by discussing their lifecycle and how people have benefitted from these cryptocurrencies.
- To review the life cycle of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple
- To review the controversies associated with the regulation of cryptocurrencies as a currency of exchange in the EU
- To explore the reason behind EU countries’ inclination as well as hesitancy towards making Bitcoin a legal tender
- To examine the different ways these cryptocurrencies are being used (where decentralised) in different countries of the EU
- To use evidence from the literature to predict the future likely uses of these Cryptocurrencies
8. Trading Cryptocurrency – A Study to Explore the Different Platforms Available for Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple) Exchanges and Their Working Mechanism
The following exploratory study aims to review the different trading platforms available for people, how they work and how they differ from the traditional trading platforms.
- To review the dedicated platform for each Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple)
- To explore the working mechanism of the trading platform for each Cryptocurrency
- To explore how each dedicated (Cryptocurrency) trading platform differs from traditional trading platforms
- To provide suggestions on how each trading platform can be further developed to facilitate easy and simple exchange of Cryptocurrency

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9. A Study to Determine Whether Bitcoin Should be Regulated: Understanding the Impact of Bitcoin Regulation on the Currency.
The study aims to use evidence backed by literature to determine whether Bitcoin should be regulated by countries and how will the regulation affect the currency.
- Examine the reason behind the lack of laws and regulations that apply to Cryptocurrency
- To use evidence backed by literature to determine whether Bitcoin should be regulated by countries
- To study the impact that regulating Bitcoin will have on the currency
10. Examining the Security of Ethereum: An Analysis of Cryptographic Attacks on the Security Protocols of Ethereum
The study aims to investigate the reasons behind the attacks on the Ethash protocol used by Ethereum in the last 5 years and provide suggestions for new algorithms to ensure that Ethereum remains a secure currency to trade and make transactions.
- To review the rising trend of hacking or attacking a Cryptocurrency despite it being expensive and extremely difficult
- To investigate the reasons behind the attacks on Ethash protocol used by Ethereum in the last 5 years
- To provide suggestions for new algorithms to ensure that cypher is not vulnerable and that Ethereum remains a secure currency to trade and make transactions
11. An In-Depth Analysis of the Current Working of Ethereum Blockchain and how It can be Improved
The study aims to explore in detail the three characteristics of the Ethereum blockchain: authenticating, authorising, and accounting and suggest new protocols to maintain the security of the blockchain technology.
- To explore the reason behind the increasing attacks on the security of blockchain technology and how the system has suffered
- To review how data and users’ information are compromised after every attack leading to users using cryptocurrencies with caution
- To carry out a detailed analysis of how the current Ethereum blockchain works, in particular on the following characteristics of the blockchain technology: authenticating, authorising, and accounting
- To suggest new protocols to maintain the security of the Ethereum blockchain technology as well as explain their flaws and benefits
12. A Study to Assess the Viability of Ethereum’s New Economic Model: Ethereum 2.0 Economic Model After The Merge
The research primarily aims to critically compare the new (Ethereum 2.0 Economic Model after The Merge) and old economic models of Ethereum introduced within the past 10 years, understand their details and conclude which model is more viable.
- To review the Ethereum 2.0 Economic Model after The Merge
- To critically compare the new and old economic models of Ethereum introduced within the past 10 years
- To reason why some argue that the economic model will not last
- To determine which model is the most viable keeping in mind current security threats faced by users of cryptocurrencies
13. Investigating the Different Factors that Cause A Shift in the Price of Ripple Token (XRP).
The study aims to investigate the different factors that cause a shift in the price of Ripple Token (XRP) and conclude whether Ripple Token XRP is overvalued or not.
- To examine how and why the value and demand for cryptocurrencies are determined by the performance of companies like Ripple
- To investigate the different factors that contribute to a shift in the price of cryptocurrencies
- To determine whether Ripple Token XRP is overvalued or not
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14. Examining the Role of Ripple Token XRP in Developing Crypto-Fiat as the Cheapest, Easiest and Most Secure Currency for International Transfer
The study aims to examine the role that Ripple Token, XRP, plays in developing crypto-fiat as the cheapest, easiest and most secure currency used by companies for international transfer.
- To list the different reasons that people use Ripple’s Token, XRP
- To determine the reasons companies rely on cryptocurrencies such as Ripple Token XRP for international transfer in their business
- To explore the reason why fiat currencies carry a huge cost for businesses associated with international transfer
- To examine the role that Ripple Token, XRP, plays in developing crypto-fiat as the cheapest, easiest and most secure currency used by companies for international transfer
15. A Comparative Analysis of Ripple, Bitcoin and Ethereum to Determine Which is the Most Volatile Cryptocurrency
The study aims to compare Ripple with Bitcoin and Ethereum to determine whether the currency is more volatile in comparison to other cryptocurrencies
- To determine the reasons why cryptocurrencies are vulnerable to attacks and require several layers of security to avoid such instances
- To compare Ripple with Bitcoin and Ethereum to determine whether the currency is more volatile in comparison to other cryptocurrencies
- To offer suggestions that can be taken up by developers to reduce the volatility of Cryptocurrency identified as the most volatile
16. Analysing the Future of Ripple XRP Token and Whether the Cryptocurrency Will Be Widely Accepted One Day
The following study aims to focus on the current aspects of various cryptocurrencies, their current trends, their acceptance, performance level, and their benefits. On the basis of these aspects, the study further aims to evaluate and compare the future of each currency with a major emphasis on Ripple’s Token XRP.
- To assess the current aspects of various cryptocurrencies including their current trends, acceptance, performance level, and their benefits
- To evaluate and compare the future of each currency with a major emphasis on Ripple’s Token XRP
- Based on its benefits, to determine the possibility of acceptance of Ripple’s Token XRP particularly in the business world
17. Analysing Whether Ripple Token XRP Has the Potential to Disrupt the Global Payment Market.
The study aims to use the mixed-method approach to research to investigate how Ripple will disrupt the global payment market and expand its reach..
- To review the underlying technology which forms the basis of Ripple
- To explore the reasons why Ripple is becoming one of the fastest-growing and widely adopted cryptocurrencies
- To explore how Ripple is being used as a cross-border tool for money transfer
- To understand how Ripple is paving the way for more companies to join its network and expanding its reach