Check Out New & Still Best MBA Marketing Dissertation Topics Ideas

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Are you an MBA student pursuing a dissertation in the marketing field? Are you looking forward to getting assistance with your MBA marketing dissertation topics and ideas? Well, there is nothing to worry about as Online Dissertation Help UK is all set to assist you in this regard whenever you ask to write my dissertation.

Our experts are highly skilled at creating MBA marketing topics that resonate with the basic topic-creation principles. As you get in touch with us for MBA marketing topic creation, you get the following benefits.

  • We take notice of your personal interests and create topics that align with your research preferences.
  • Topics that can be researched are the most important factors that we always eye on.
  • Our experts ensure that there is precision in topic formulation and they are concise, clear and focused.
  • We integrate strategic keywords in the topics for optimising searchability and academic resonance.
  • If your professors have any feedback, we acknowledge it and refine the topic accordingly.
  • It is made sure that the topics provided to you are in accordance with your institute’s guidelines.
  • You are always welcome to contact our experts as we are online 24/7 for you.
  • Our assistance is quick and we offer timely delivery of the topics that students seek from us.

These are just a few points that you will observe as pay for dissertation from one of the finest services in the industry for MBA marketing dissertation topic creation.

List Of MBA Marketing Dissertation Topics In UK

Wanna avail this list of benefits with our marketing dissertation topics services? Get in touch now using the below to avail a list of fresh yet original topics in MBA marketing. You can also use the below list of topics as it is making sure that it reflects your personal interests in the field. Furthermore, unrestricted authority is granted to you to modify these topics and tweak them for betterment.

1. The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Behavior: Role of Social Media Influencer and Advertising


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to evaluate the efficiency of digital marketing tactics in influencing consumer behaviour, including the usage of social media influencers and digital advertising.


  • To evaluate the influence social media users, have on modern consumer behaviour.
  • To assess the efficiency of digital advertising channels in influencing consumer choice (e.g., social media marketing, search engine advertising).
  • To examine the effects of various marketing techniques on customer engagement and conversion rates using data from social media sites and digital advertising campaigns.

2. Brand Building in the Digital Age: Impact of User Generated Content


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to evaluate the function and influence of modern brand-building tactics in the digital environment.


  • To examine, taking into account different digital platforms and channels, how brands can successfully use user-generated content (UGC) as a branding strategy in the digital age.
  • To investigate the interconnection between UGC and brand authenticity and how this authenticity affects customer engagement and trust.
  • To explore through the analysis of digital data and consumer surveys, the effects of UGC on important brand indicators such as brand awareness, brand perception, customer loyalty, and purchase intent.

3. Consumer Perceptions of Ethical Marketing Practices: A case analysis of Patagonia’s Commitment to Sustainability:


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to evaluate consumer knowledge of ethical marketing techniques and their significance in influencing brand views.


  • To investigate how consumers view ethical marketing strategies, paying particular attention to how Patagonia’s sustainability activities affect consumer attitudes and behaviour.
  • To evaluate the effects of Patagonia’s sustainability-focused marketing efforts on consumer awareness, brand image, and brand loyalty.
  • To analyse how digital and social platforms help Patagonia spread its sustainability message and rate how well they work at attracting and retaining environmentally conscientious customers.

4. The Role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Enhancing Customer Loyalty


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to determine whether industries experience an increase in customer loyalty as a result of CRM strategies and practices.


  • To evaluate the application and efficiency of CRM strategies and technologies in companies across a range of industries, spotting best practices and opportunity for development.
  • To investigate how personalised marketing and communication efforts affect customer loyalty and retention, and how data analytics and customer segmentation fit into CRM.
  • To examine the customer journey and touchpoints within a CRM framework while evaluating how the omnichannel strategy fits into CRM and how the customer experience affects loyalty.

5. Cross-Cultural Marketing Strategies: Impact on Cultural Events and Festivals


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to explore and comprehend how companies and marketers use cultural events and festivals to create successful cross-cultural marketing strategies.


  • To investigate the value of cross-cultural marketing approaches with a particular emphasis on how well they work to promote goods and services at cultural events and festivals in various cultural contexts.
  • To examine the influence of cultural elements on consumer behaviour and purchase choices in relation to cultural events and festivals, such as customs, values, and symbolism.
  • To examine the function of branding and storytelling in cross-cultural marketing during cultural gatherings and festivals and determine how they affect the development of brand recognition and loyalty.

6. E-commerce Trends and Consumer Behavior: A Exploration of Personalized Shopping Experiences


The study aims to investigates the recent e-commerce developments in terms of personalised purchasing methods, consumer behaviour, and preferences.


  • To examine how well-designed user interfaces, individualised marketing campaigns, and personalised product suggestions in e-commerce platforms improve consumer engagement and conversion rates.
  • To investigate how personalised retail experiences are delivered using data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI), as well as how these technologies affect customer loyalty.

7. Innovations in Product Packaging and Consumer Perception:


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to examine the effects of creative packaging tactics and designs on consumer perceptions and actions.


  • To investigate the most recent advancements in product package design and materials, concentrating on how these advancements affect consumer perceptions, preferences, and purchase choices.
  • To examine how sensory packaging components, such as texture, colour, form, and affect the thoughts and feelings of consumers.
  • To determine how these acoustic cues can influence consumer choice and make products more appealing.

8. The Influence of Social Media Influencers on Brand Promotion: An Exploration of Fashion and Beauty Industry


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to comprehend the dynamics of influencer marketing in the context of the fashion and beauty industries, with an emphasis on fashion and beauty influencers.


  • To investigate the level of impact that social media influencers in the fashion and beauty industries have on consumer perceptions, attitudes, and behaviour around branded goods and services.
  • To examine how fashion and beauty influencers may foster brand loyalty and credibility among their followers by being real, trustworthy, and relatable.

9. Consumer Responses to Personalization in Marketing: A cross-sectional study involving Banking and Financial Services


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to investigating how consumers react to customized marketing methods in this particular area requires a concentration on the banking and financial services sector.


  • To analyse how consumer perceptions, attitudes, and behaviour are impacted by personalised marketing tactics in the banking and financial services sector, with a focus on elements like loyalty and trust.
  • To evaluate how well tailored user experiences, targeted communication, and suggestions for financial products work to increase customer involvement and happiness in the market.
  • To examine the role that these technologies have in enhancing consumer decision-making and financial literacy.

10. The Role of Influencer Marketing in the Fashion Industry:


The main purpose of the study aims to analyse and understand the workings, tactics, and effects of influencer marketing in the fashion sector.


  • To determine the value of influencer marketing as a marketing tactic in the fashion sector and how it affects consumer perceptions, attitudes, and behaviour.
  • To investigate how consumer trust and loyalty are influenced by authenticity, relatability, and influencer credibility in the fashion industry.
  • To examine how influencers can gain followers’ trust and credibility by being real, credible, and relatable. Examine the effects that authentic and open content development has on consumer views and brand loyalty.

11. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Personalized Marketing:


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to research and comprehend how personalised marketing techniques across many industries are evolving and being improved by AI technologies.


  • To examine how artificial intelligence (AI) is changing personalised marketing and how it is affecting consumer perceptions, attitudes, and behaviour.
  • To analyse the effects of personalised marketing driven by AI on customer lifetime value, customer retention, and market share for companies in various industries.
  • To examine the difficulties and conceivable ethical issues posed by AI-driven personalised marketing, including those including data protection, consent.

12. Neuromarketing and Consumer Decision-Making: A review of Eye-Tracking Studies


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to investigate how consumer decision-making processes are influenced by neuromarketing strategies, notably eye-tracking studies.


  • To investigate the factors how neuromarketing methods, especially eye-tracking research, can be used to comprehend and affect customer decision-making.
  • To determine the moral issues and difficulties that may arise from eye-tracking and neuromarketing research.
  • To analyse the tactics used, as well as the results obtained in terms of customer engagement and sales performance.

13. Marketing Strategies for Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Products: Role of Social Media Engagement


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to look into and comprehend how environmentally friendly and sustainable product marketing techniques, especially those used on social media platforms, affect environmental sustainability and customer behaviour.


  • To investigate how well sustainable and eco-friendly product marketing techniques work, with a focus on how social media interaction affects customer knowledge, attitudes, and purchasing patterns.
  • To evaluate how social media sites contribute to the promotion of sustainability and eco-awareness and how they affect how consumers view the companies and products in this category.
  • To investigate the difficulties and possibilities of social media marketing for sustainable products, including concerns about greenwashing, authenticity, and customer trust.

14. The Effect of Online Reviews on Hospitality and Tourism Marketing: Impact on Brand Trust and Credibility


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to analyse how marketing tactics used in the hotel and travel sectors are influenced by internet evaluations, with a focus on building and maintaining brand credibility.


  • To examine current business processes for bottlenecks.
  • To redesign and put in place better processes.
  • To assess the effect of process redesign on operational efficiency.

15. The Role of User-Generated Content (UGC) in Marketing


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to look into and comprehend how user-generated content affects marketing plans in different businesses.


  • To evaluate UGC’s performance in fostering brand engagement, loyalty, and trust across a range of business sectors and marketing scenarios.
  • To examine the difficulties and moral issues of user-generated content (UGC) in marketig, including concerns about authenticity, privacy, and the ethical application of UGC.
  • To analyse the effects of various forms of UGC on brand perception and customer trust, such as user reviews, social media material, and consumer-generated media (such as videos and blogs).

16. Marketing Strategies for Subscription-Based Services:


The key aspect of this dissertation aims examine the dynamics and efficacy of the marketing tactics used by subscription-based service providers across different industries.


  • To investigates the efficiency of customer acquisition, retention, and engagement techniques used by subscription-based businesses.
  • To evaluate how marketing initiatives affect consumer perceptions and attitudes towards subscription services, and how these characteristics affect subscriber attrition and loyalty.
  • To analyse the tactics used and the results obtained in terms of gaining subscribers, encouraging interaction, and profitability.

17. The Effect ofCOVID-19 on Marketing and Consumer Behavior:


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to investigates how different industries’ marketing tactics and consumer behaviour have been affected by the global epidemic.


  • To investigate how social media, e-commerce, and digital marketing have helped businesses adjust to the problems provided by the epidemic and how they will affect how businesses use marketing in the future.
  • To evaluate the difficulties and opportunities that businesses and marketers have faced in the wake of COVID-19, especially those involving crisis communication, brand trust, and recovery plans.
  • To examine how companies have used social media, online sales, and digital marketing to connect with and engage customers during times of social isolation and lockdown.

18. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Entrepreneurial Ventures:


The goal of the project is to advance our knowledge of the efficient socially responsible activity engagement strategies for small, creative businesses.


  • To examine the level of CSR participation that entrepreneurial ventures now have, including philanthropy, sustainability, and community involvement.
  • To investigate the causes and inspirations that lead entrepreneurial ventures to choose CSR strategies, taking into account elements like moral principles, consumer expectations, and competitive advantage.
  • To investigate the unique CSR tactics and programmes used by entrepreneurial endeavors, such as those that promote community development, ethical sourcing, environmental sustainability, and employee well-being.

19. Risk Management Strategies in Financial Institutions:


The goal of the study is to advance knowledge of risk management in the financial industry and its crucial function in preserving financial stability and resilience.


  • To examine the various risks that financial institutions must deal with, such as regulatory risk, operational risk, market risk, and operational risk of liquidity.
  • To analyse the techniques and instruments employed by financial institutions, such as stress testing, value-at-risk (VaR) models, and risk assessment frameworks, to identify and quantify hazards.
  • To determine the compliance standards and regulatory requirements that relevant authorities, such as central banks and financial regulators, have imposed on financial institutions.

20. Market Entry Strategies in China:


The study attempts to offer insights into the difficulties, opportunities, and risks of joining one of the biggest and most rapidly changing markets in the world.


  • To analyse the country’s present political, social, economic, and cultural circumstances to give a thorough understanding of the market.
  • To investigate the trade, legal, and regulatory obstacles that international companies face when attempting to enter the Chinese market.
  • To examine the numerous market entry tactics used by companies, including partnerships, franchises, wholly-owned subsidiaries, and joint ventures.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Advertising and sales promotion
  • Consumer behavior
  • Brand equity
  • Brand management
  • Service marketing
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Management concepts
  • Marketing management
  • P's of marketing
  • Retail marketing
  • International business
  • International marketing

The 5 Ps of marketing are

  • Product
  • Price
  • Promotion
  • Place
  • People

These were basically 4Ps which are further joined by a 5th P, namely People.

Follow the simple process and choose a topic that resonates with your personal preferences and interests. Analyse your career opportunities and select a topic that help you achieve a relevant job. This will keep you motivated throughout the research process. Moreover, choose a topic that adds value to your field and answers an unanswered question.

  • The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Behavior: Role of Social Media Influencers and Advertising
  • Consumer Perceptions of Ethical Marketing Practices: A Case Analysis of Patagonia’s Commitment to Sustainability
  • The Role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Enhancing Customer Loyalty
  • E-commerce Trends and Consumer Behavior: An Exploration of Personalized Shopping Experiences

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