Best Mental Health Dissertation Topic Ideas For UK Students

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From the time you have been assigned a dissertation project in your institute, the most common question that comes to your mind is what could be the best topic for my dissertation in relevance to my field. Students struggle a lot to find suitable topics and search on the internet so that they can come up with a topic containing the following key features.

  • Come up with a topic which is relevant to your area of study. For instance, you are pursuing the mental health field, so you can delve into its subcategories.
  • Look for a topic which offers a unique perspective and fills the gap in the literature. In short, the topic should be original. Research various literature in the mental health domain and identify any potential gap that the existing literature does not fill.
  • You need to ensure that the topic is significant and has a practical or theoretical significance in the mental health field.
  • A topic that is researchable and for which you can conduct critical evaluation and data analysis as a part of your mental health dissertation.
  • Choose a feasible topic which can be researched in terms of available time, limitations and ethical considerations.
  • It is highly recommended that you should choose a topic which is aligned with your career goals. For instance, you are planning to pursue a PhD degree in a specific subcategory, so you can select a relevant dissertation mental topic for your postgraduate degree.

These are some of the most critical key elements which you should take care of while opting for mental health or nursing dissertation topics for your dissertation.

Here Is A List of Mental Health Dissertation Topics In The UK

Are you stuck with finding some good mental health topics for your dissertation? Well, there is nothing to worry about. Our experts from the mental health dissertation writing service have come up with some suitable research topics for you.

Note: For your ease, Dissertation Help Services UK have also provided the aims and objectives of the dissertations alongwith problem statement. You can opt for a suitable topic from this provided list or make required changes so that it aligns with your study. You can also fill out the form in order to get free mental health dissertation topics.

1. Analysing the Correlation between weight loss and depression in the UK among the adults


The study aims to recognise the complex relationship between weight loss and depression, highlighting the multidimensional factors among the adults in the UK that collaborate with this phenomenon, and giving insights into the potential interferences.


  • To identify the relationship between weight loss and depression among adults by examining the literature that exists and holding empirical research to create a quantitative link.
  • To study the fundamental causes and mechanisms that are responsible for weight loss in individuals who are experiencing depression.
  • To evaluate the potential interference approaches, involving psychotherapeutic strategies, counselling related to nutrition for reducing weight loss.

2. Identifying Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (G-CBT-I) in Depression


The aim of this research is to reduce depressive symptoms by enhancing and addressing co-occurring insomnia through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (G-CBT-I).


  • To explore the impacts of Insomnia in depression among adults
  • To determine the challenges and complexities arising in reducing depressive symptoms through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • To examine the strategies used to overcome depression using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

3. Analysing the Effects of Abusive Parenting on Children: Understanding the Consequences and Identifying the Protective Factors


This study aims to comprehensively examine the effects of abusive parenting on specific characteristics of child development, including cognitive, emotional, social, and behavioural domains, while also identifying protective factors that may mitigate these negative impacts.


  • To evaluate the prevalence and types of abusive behaviour towards the children exhibited by their parents.
  • To recognise the protective factors within and outside the culture of family that can boost against the damaging aspects of abusive parenting.
  • To determine the mediations and support systems that may minimise the negative result for children that are exposed to abusive parenting.
  • To examine the immediate and long-term consequences on the development of a child because of abusive parenting, involving but not limited to attachment issues, trauma, and performances in the field of academics.
  • To notify the practices and policies that aim to safeguard the well-being of children in abusive households.

4. Analysing the Impacts and Effectiveness of Stigma Depletion in Mental Health in the UK


The aim of this research is to evaluate the impacts and effectiveness of anti-stigma approaches in minimizing mental health stigma and prejudice


  • To determine the impacts and effectiveness of stigma surrounding mental health in the UK
  • To apply and judge the challenges faced in an anti-stigma campaign in the UK.
  • To examine the changes in public behaviours and attitudes towards the individuals who are suffering from mental health issues post-campaigns

5. Understanding the Causes of Anorexia among Adults in Middle East and North Africa region: A Comparative Study”>


The research aims to holistically examine the multidimensional causes of anorexia nervosa in adults, highlighting the complex relationship of psychological, biological, and sociocultural factors collaborating to its onset.


  • To determine and examine biological factors including neurobiology and genetics, that put the risk to adults of anorexia.
  • To identify the psychology by triggers that involve the dissatisfaction with the body image, perfectionism, and lower self-esteem that highly impact the development of anorexia.
  • To inspect the role of influences of socio-culturalism, such as the portrayal of media of body ideas and pressure of society, in the analysis of anorexia among the adults of in Middle East and North Africa region.
  • To inspect the potential long-term effects and health implications that are associated with the onset of anorexia among adults in Middle East and North Africa region.
  • To supply the evidence that is based on the insights that can notify the prevention approaches and the treatment interventions to address anorexia in the population of adults in Middle East and North Africa region.

6. The Effects of Violent Cartoons on the Behaviour and Mental Well-being of Children: An In-depth Analysis


This research is aimed to analyse the impact of exposure to violent cartoons on the behaviour and mental well-being of children.


  • To evaluate the scale of exposure to violent cartoons among children and recognise the common themes and characteristics of such violent content.
  • To determine the short-term changes in the attitude of children immediately following the exposure to the violent cartoon.
  • To examine the long-term impacts on the behaviour and attitude of children including desensitisation, immediate behaviour, and aggression.
  • Identify the psychological effects of violent cartoons on the mental state of children, involving fear, and anxiety, and activation of violence.
  • To give recommendations for educators, policymakers, and parents on age-appropriate consumption of media, according to the guidelines and approaches to minimise the negative impacts of oil in cartoons on the mental state of children.

7. Investigating the effectiveness of interventions in treating disorders related to anxiety in the UK.


the aim is to inspect the effectiveness of mindfulness that is based on the interventions in minimizing the symptoms of anxiety disorders


  • To reviews existing literature on the intervention of anxiety based on mindfulness.
  • To evaluate the effects of particular mindfulness-based programs on the symptoms of anxiety in the UK.
  • To examine the long-term effects, and Mechanism or changes that are associated with treatments based on mindfulness for anxiety.

8. Analysing the Rate of Accessibility in the underserved communities to mental health in Africa and the UK: A Comparative study


the aim is to evaluate the hurdles and challenges to accessing mental health care in the underserved communities.


  • To explore the challenges and barriers faced to have access for mental health care in underserved communities
  • Identifying the community-based mental health interventions that are designed to enhance access.
  • Produce recommendations for the changes in the policies and the allocation of resources to address the disparities in mental health care in Africa and the UK

9. The Effects of Deprivation in sleep among young Individuals. : A Holistic Analysis


The aim of the study is to identify the multidimensional reason behind sleep deprivation in the youth by applying holistic view.


  • To examine the role of digital technology including screens and smartphones, in disrupting the sleep patterns of that youth.
  • To identify the effects of pressure on academics that involves standardized testing, duration and quality of sleep, and homework.
  • To inspect the effect of extracurricular and social activities, that involve part-time sports and jobs, on the schedule of youth sleep.
  • To supply evidence that is based on the recommendation for parents, healthcare professionals, and educators to address and minimize the deprivation of sleep issues in that youth.

10. The Effects of Attachment between parent and child on the mental health of the children: A Systematic Review


To determine an association between parent and child attachment styles, and the outcomes of mental health of a child.


  • To evaluate various styles of attachment in parent and child dyads.
  • To determine challenges faced in securing the attachment of parent and child and enhance the mental well-being of the child.
  • To identify interventions to strengthen secure parent-child attachments and promote child mental well-being.

11. Analysing the Importance of Implementing animal-assisted therapy to enhance mental health care provision


the aim is to examine the therapeutic advantages of animal-assisted interventions on the mental health conditions of individuals.


  • To investigate the process of implementing animal-supported therapy
  • To study the existing literature on the emotional and psychological impact of animal-assisted therapy.
  • To explore the strategies and approaches to overcome the insignificant impacts of animal-assisted therapy

12. Assessing the Impact of Trauma-Informed Care in the services of mental health in the UK


the aim is to analyse the application of trauma-informed care principles in the service settings of mental health.


  • To evaluate the extent to which the suppliers of mental health are integrating trauma-informed care into their approaches in the UK.
  • To examine the challenges faced in providing trauma-informed care for mental health in the UK
  • To approach the effects of trauma-informed care on the results and experiences of patients in the UK.

13. Analysing the Impact of Internet gaming and its association with mental health among the Youth in the UK. .


the aim is to study the coordination between mental health problems and excessive Internet gaming that also including depression and addiction.


  • To identify the effects of excessive gaming on the psychological well-being and functioning related to social activities in the UK.
  • To explore the challenges in mitigating disorders to internet gaming.
  • Producing the intervention and prevention approaches for individuals who are at risk of disorder due to Internet gaming in the UK.

14. Analysing the Effects of Mental Health Literacy in the UK Schools.


To evaluate the effectiveness of education programs related to mental health in the school for improving the mental health literacy of the students in the UK Schools


  • Access the present situation of mental health education in schools.
  • To assess the challenges faced in mental health literacy in the UK schools
  • . Adapting and evaluating the effects of programs related to mental health education in school.

15. Analysing the levels of intelligence among non-addicts and addicts students in the UK: A Comprehensive Study”


The aim of the study is to examine and compare the levels of intelligence between individuals with addiction to substances and those with no addiction


  • To evaluate the cognitive abilities and levels of Intelligence in the individuals with the presence of addiction by conducting the IQ tests.
  • To compare and measure the functioning of a control group of those people who are not addicted match for gender and age status.
  • To supply the insights that can inform the treatment of addiction strategies for cognitive rehabilitation among individuals with substance use disorders.

16. Identifying the Effectiveness of Existing Interventions for depression and anxiety based on technology: A systematic Review


The aim is to assess the efficacy of smartphone applications and platforms that are online in delivering the interventions for mental health for depression and anxiety.


  • . To review the existing literature on the interventions of Mental Health that are Technology-based.
  • To recognise the preferences and barriers of users to adopt the intervention based on technology.
  • To assess the capacity for improvement in the effectiveness of existing interventions for depression and anxiety based on technology.

17. The effect of narcissistic personality traits on the mental health of family members; A holistic analysis


The aim of the study is to determine the extent to which the individuals having narcissistic personalities affect the mental health of the family members and also identify the emotional and psychological consequences that are experienced by the family members.


  • To evaluate the characteristics and prevalence of narcissistic personality traits within the family members.
  • To conduct the challenges faced in treating mental health of family members
  • To inspect the well-being of family members psychologically living with the individual with a narcissistic personality.

18. The impact of physical attractiveness on the complexity of life: A comprehensive study analysis”


The aim of the study is to determine the correlation between the level of life complexity in individuals and physical attractiveness.


  • To evaluate the cognitive abilities and levels of Intelligence in the individuals with the presence of addiction by conducting the IQ tests.
  • To compare and measure the functioning of a control group of those people who are not addicted match for gender and age status.
  • To supply the insights that can inform the treatment of addiction strategies for cognitive rehabilitation among individuals with substance use disorders.

19: Understanding Phobias: Causes and Effective Coping Approaches”


The aim of this holistic study is to explain the reasons for the multifacetement behind the development of phobias and supplies that approaches that are based on evidence for efficient management.


  • To identify the several factors that are contributing to the onsets of particular phobias.
  • To examine the usual types of phobia and their prevalence among the population.
  • To identify the interventions for the management of phobias among individuals

20. Effectiveness of Cognitive Therapy in Treating Anxiety and Panic Attacks among Aged People: Recent Discoveries and Future Directions in the UK


The aim of the study is to examine the CO temporary research findings that are related to the efficacy of cognitive therapy for the treatment of anxiety and panic attacks among Aged People.


  • To determine the processes of cognitive behaviours and the mechanisms that are underlying the success of cognitive therapy in handling panic attacks and anxiety among Elderly Individuals.
  • To explore the challenges faced in treating panic and anxiety attacks using cognitive therapy
  • To identify the long-term results and sustainability of symptom reduction following the intervention of cognitive therapy among Elderly Individuals.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can go for the sub-categories such as Mood disorders, Schizophrenia, Eating Disorders, Sleep Problems, etc.

According to WHO, 1 in every 8 people is somehow suffering from mental health issues. It is associated with all aspects of human behaviour and daily routine, from learning to life expectancy. Further, it is a vast field which offers a high volume of research, data analysis and theoretical explanations.

Some major mental health issues include,

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • PTSD
  • Depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • OCD
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Personality Disorders
  • Delusions
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Hopeless Feeling
  • Somatization
  • Specific Phobia
  • Syndromes, etc.

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