Web Development Dissertation Topics

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1. To investigate the Prefetching for Web Search Engines and Query Results Caching.


This research study aims to review all the issues that are related to proficiency and efficiency query results and prefetching for web searches.


  • To investigate the issues that arise while modifying the query results that are sent through a search engine.
  • To identify the catching strategies and how they can benefit geographical and temporal locality in the processed of the query stream.
  • To analyses the factors that cause the consequences in catching and prefetching query results.

2. To determine the impact of various paid placement strategies that are used for web search engines.


The main goal of this research study is to investigate the various kinds of techniques that are used in placement with required fees for search engines.


  • To evaluate the different kinds of strategies and techniques that are used by the content providers for placement.
  • To access how this permanent placement method, minimises unfavorable effects on advertising revenues.
  • To investigate how these permanent placement methods for search engines effects customers.

3. Implicit the strategies for improving the effectiveness of search engines in the web pages.


The main aim of this research study is to investigate different kinds of methods that are used to improve the effectiveness of search engines for web pages.


  • To analyse the tactics and aid that are used for modifying the patterns of using search engines,
  • To investigate the methods that are used in the enhancement of an online search engine which may provide results with improved quality.
  • To examine the ways to improve the productivity and competence of search engines by increasing the number of customers.

4. To access the dynamics techniques with static metrics in order to analyse the couple between the software web module. .


The aim of this study is to provide a systemic approach by analysing the dynamic techniques with static metrics to check the couple between software web modules.


  • To evaluate the software products that are required for analysing the techniques efficiently.
  • To state the advantages of this field where the dynamic technique is used with static metrics.
  • To identify the issues, design, and implementation and to check the coupling between the software of web modules.

5. An analysis for evaluating the enhancement in materials object-oriented database (MOOD) metrics for software used for maintainability and reliability of the web.


This research study primarily aims to evaluate the enhancement in materials object-oriented database (MOOD) metrics for software used for maintainability and reliability of the web.


  • To evaluate the strategies that are used for the enhancement in materials object-oriented database (MOOD).
  • To investigate the access of software maintainability and reliability.
  • To evaluate the enhancement in materials object-oriented database (MOOD) metrics for software used for maintainability and reliability of the web.

6. To investigate a new approach to web design developing Java programs and software for the prediction and management of applied financial systems.


The research study is based on the approach of developing Java programs and this study mainly aims to analyse the software for prediction and the management of applied financial systems.


  • To investigate the development of Java programs and its management of software for prediction.
  • To evaluate the prediction of applied financial systems by the software.
  • To access the impact of Java programs on the prediction of software and its effects on the stock market by management of applied financial system prediction.

7. To analyse the concept of deploying an adaptive web-based learning environment in schools and building the learning of students in the UK.


This research study aims to analyse the deploying learning of adaptive web-based environment software in schools and colleges and the concept of building learning for students in the UK


  • To analyse the concept of an adaptive web-based learning environment.
  • To investigate the impact of the web-based learning environment in school and college students of the UK.
  • To evaluate the benefits of building learning concepts in students regarding software for web-based.

8. the approach of systemic review on analysing the design and implementation of web services security framework. A case study related to online bank networks.


The main aim of this study is to understand the design and implementation of web services security in relation to online banking.


  • To evaluate the various kinds of security services used in web frameworks.
  • To analyse the design and implementation of web security services used in frameworks.
  • To access the platforms of web security services that can be used for online banking networks.

9. An exploratory study on effectiveness and understanding the of fault tolerance analysis of sorting networks for websites..


The main aim of this research study is that it is based on the on understanding and effectiveness of fault tolerance analysis of sorting networks for websites.


  • To investigate the analysis related to fault tolerance in networks.
  • To analyse the effectiveness of the fault tolerance analysis related to the sorting of networks
  • To demonstrate the understanding and effectiveness of the fault tolerance analysis of sorting networks for websites.

10. To analyse the work process of a web content management system in relation to a case study of the Facebook store.


This study aims to evaluate and analyse the work process of a web content management system in relation to a case study of the Facebook store.


  • To analyse the content management system and its impact on the system of websites.
  • To examine the factors and work process of the web content management system which is effective for the website.
  • To evaluate the Facebook store company and their satisfaction towards the customer related to information management and knowledge.

11. Analysis of different kinds of software and their prototype for the best web results in the ontology that enables the mechanism of traceability..


To study mainly aims to conduct comparative research by evaluating different types of prototype software that provides the best web results regarding the ontology mechanism of traceability.

  • To determine the factors that are involved in analysing the best results in ontology-enabled mechanisms.
  • To investigate the different types of software prototypes in ontology-enabled traceability mechanisms.
  • To determine the factors that are involved in analysing the best results in ontology-enabled mechanisms.
  • To investigate the different types of software prototypes in ontology-enabled traceability mechanisms.

12. An evaluation of uses of groupware in the process of improvement for web software.


The research study aims to evaluate the groupware used for improving web software and to analyse the current practice of engineers with software.


  • To evaluate the process of software development in order to access the improvement techniques.
  • To identify the significance of using the tool of groupware for developing and improving the software process.
  • To determine the advantages which are used for supporting distributed cooperation in web software development.

13. o study the research visualisation of statistical contents and techniques that are used for visualisation of software metrics.


This research study aims to evaluate the existing techniques of visualisation that are used for software metrics. The main aim of this study is to analyse the significance of using visualisation techniques for the purpose of software metrics.


  • To identify the challenges that are faced in respect to software metrics for not being visualised
  • To analyse the current techniques that are used for visualising the statistical content in software metrics.
  • To analyse the significance of techniques such as visualising in software metrics.

14. A analysing study to understand the causal relationship between project planning and the success of a project in web software.


This research study aims to analyse the understanding of the casual relationship between the planning of a project and the success of the project in web software.


  • To evaluate the understanding of the process of planning software and the success of the project.
  • To identify the factors that are involved in determining the success of the project due to the initial stages of project planning.
  • To investigate the causal relationship between the planning of a project and success of the project in web software.

15. To investigate the study on the use of agile software for environment project operations in order to deliver high-quality web software.


This research study aims to achieve this goal by analysing the use of agile software for environment project operations in order to deliver high-quality software.


  • To understand the different methods for an agile environment to manage the project team in web software.
  • To investigate the impact of an agile environment on project management in delivering high-quality web software.
  • To explore the perceptions of different methodologies regarding the speed delivery of high-quality web software.

16. To conduct an info support study on the usability of the Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations (SQALE) method to measure the quality of Java and C# source code.


This research study focuses on the aim which is associated with essential usability of the Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations (SQALE) method to measure the quality of Java and C# source code.


  • To understand the concept and method of Lifecycle expectation SQALE.
  • To investigate the usability of Software Quality Assessment and the purpose of utilising the Lifecycle Expectations (SQALE) method.
  • To evaluate the current ways for measuring the quality of Java and C# programming source code.

17. A study on the effectiveness of model-based testing for detecting early faults in the web-based software systems.


The research has been emphasising on the effectiveness of model-based testing for detecting the early faults in web-based software systems.


  • To analyse the importance of detecting in the web-based software system and the benefits of possessing it.
  • To evaluate the different techniques of model-based testing that consist of ability to detect the early fault in web based software systems.
  • To explore the benefits of using model-based software testing techniques and what are the limitations that impact web-based software system.

18. A critical analysis study on the software web user to facilitate the effort of comprehending and translating different languages.


This research study mainly focuses on the web-based software’s ability to facilitate the comprehensibility and translatability of different languages.


  • To analyse the benefits of using web-based software for the translation of different languages.
  • To examine the process and stages that are involved in web-based software’s ability to facilitate the comprehensibility and translatability of different languages.
  • To state the disadvantages in web-based software translatability of different languages.

19. A study analysis for the development of room scheduling and work mapping using the software frameworks.


This research study mainly aims to analyse the various kinds of organisation that are used to build a room for scheduling and work mapping by using web software.


  • To understand the concept of room scheduling by using a web software framework.
  • To investigate the impacts and effectiveness of room scheduling and work mapping in an organisation

20. A study for understanding Modelling patterns in web software design and how software patterns can provide solutions to recurring design problems..


This study aims to analyse the modelling patterns in web software design and how software patterns can provide solutions to recurring design problems.


  • To investigate the different modelling patterns in software designing.
  • To understand the different software patterns and the problems of design patterns in web software designing.
  • To determine the various web software patterns that provide the solution to recurring design problems.

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