Talent Management Dissertation Topics

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1.The Influence of Remote Work on Talent Management: Approaches for the Post-Pandemic Period


The primary objective of this study is to examine the impact of remote work on talent management practises and devise efficient solutions for organisations to enhance talent utilisation within a hybrid work setting.


  • To evaluate the barriers and possibilities associated with remote work in relation to talent acquisition and retention
  • To examine the impact of HR policies and software on remote talent management
  • To suggest modifications to talent management practises to accommodate life after a pandemic

2. Improving Business Results through Diverse and Inclusive Talent Managements


The primary objective of this study is to investigate the correlation between diversity and inclusion activities within talent management and their influence on organisational performance, productivity, and creativity.


  • To evaluate the present condition of diversity and inclusion strategies within the realm of talent management
  • To investigate the relationship between diverse talent pools and improved organisational outcomes
  • To develop methods of talent management that can help businesses improve their diversity and inclusion policies

3. A Data-Driven Approach to Talent Analytics and Predictive Talent Management for Business-Critical HR Decision-Making


The objective of this study is to examine the use of talent analytics in forecasting future workforce requirements, enhancing talent acquisition processes, and enhancing overall talent management methods.


  • The objective of this study is to examine the application of data analytics in talent management procedures
  • To assess the efficacy of predictive models in the context of workforce planning and talent development
  • To provide suggestions for the incorporation of talent analytics into human resources decision-making processes

4. The Impact of Organisational Culture on Employee Engagement and Talent Retention


The objective of this study is to examine the impact of organisational culture on employee engagement and talent retention. The primary aim is to uncover effective strategies for cultivating a culture that is conducive to attracting and retaining high-performing individuals.


  • To investigate the correlation among organisational culture, employee engagement, and talent retention
  • To determine the primary cultural factors that contribute to the improvement of talent attraction and retention
  • To provide ways for businesses to mould their culture to better accommodate talent management initiatives

5. Cross-Cultural Talent Management: Addressing Challenges and Implementing Strategies in Global Organizations


The primary objective of this dissertation is to investigate the distinct difficulties encountered by multinational corporations in effectively overseeing talent across multiple cultural and geographical contexts. Additionally, this study seeks to devise efficient solutions for talent management that are applicable across different cultures.


  • To examine the impact of cultural influences on talent management strategies inside multinational organisations
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of current strategies employed in cross-cultural talent management
  • To provide ways in which talent management strategies might be adapted to fit an international setting in order to help businesses succeed.

6. The importance of talent management in boosting British businesses’ output


The purpose of this research is to demonstrate how improved human resource management may boost an organization’s efficiency. The major goal of this research is to provide light on the role that people management may play in enhancing the long-term competitiveness and performance of businesses in the United Kingdom.


  • First, we need to take stock of the UK business community’s skill pool right now.
  • To identify the most critical problems in talent management and the most effective approaches to fixing them.
  • Third, we’ll examine what has worked in the past when it comes to attracting and keeping the best talent in the industry.

7. The impact of talent management on the efficiency of a US firm is examined.


The purpose of this research is to analyse how the company’s talent management strategies affect output, creativity, morale, and financial results. This study aspires to shed light on the relevance of talent management for businesses in the United States.


  • One goal is to investigate the talent management practises of a representative American firm.
  • The second objective is to research how talent management influences recruitment, training, and retention rates within a business.
  • Thirdly, we aim to assess how well talent management affects an organization’s adaptability to new circumstances.

8. Successful talent management techniques for attracting and keeping top talent in the UK fashion sector are contrasted..


The findings of this study are expected to provide valuable insights for fashion enterprises in the United Kingdom, enabling them to formulate effective strategies to prosper amidst fierce market rivalry.


  • To examine the state of talent acquisition and retention in the UK fashion sector, focusing on the scarcity of and competition for exceptional individuals.
  • To recognise and assess the various talent management strategies and practices top UK fashion companies use to recruit and retain outstanding talent.
  • To evaluate these strategies’ ability to attract and retain top people, boost morale, and reduce turnover.

9. Finding out how standard talent management courses are among UK universities in light of career prospects.


The Aim of this study is to assess the alignment between talent management degree curricula in the United Kingdom (UK) and the market need for graduates possessing appropriate expertise


  • To examine the present state of talent management courses and programmes UK higher education institutions offer.
  • To gauge student interest in talent management and the prospects it presents for employment.
  • To pinpoint the elements influencing students’ decisions to enrol in or drop out of talent management programmes.

10. Critical research on talent management from the UK-based firm’s employees’ perspective..


This study aims to investigate the impact of talent management practices on employees’ professional development, job satisfaction, and overall workplace engagement. The study aims to provide insight into talent management practices’ effectiveness, fairness, and alignment with employee expectations and corporate objectives.


  • To examine the opinions of the workforce about talent management practices, Alent management collects qualitative and quantitative data through employee surveys and interviews.
  • To learn how well talent is sourced, developed, and prepared for leadership roles.
  • To examine the effects of personnel management on morale, motivation, and retention at the UK-based business.

11. Employee motivation and talent management.


This study aims to investigate the impact of various talent management practices on employee morale within organisational settings. This study aims to elucidate the potential impact of enhanced talent management practises on employee engagement, subsequently leading to increased productivity, workplace satisfaction, and organisational loyalty.

  • To identify essential concepts, theories, and empirical results in the literature on talent management and employee engagement.
  • To examine the relationship between employee engagement and talent management practises, including hiring, training, and rewards.
  • To Evaluate how leadership style and company culture affect the relationship between talent management and employee engagement.

12. Draw attention to any discrepancies or similarities between the talent and human resource management approaches taken by organisations in the UK.


The aim of this study is to contribute to advancing knowledge in the field of human resource management by examining the approaches employed by organisations in the United Kingdom to navigate the dynamic landscape of talent and human resource management. The findings of this research aim to facilitate informed decision-making and the development of successful strategies in this domain.


  • To evaluate the similarities and differences between talent management and human resource management.
  • To investigate the recruiting, training, and retention policies and procedures currently used by enterprises in the United Kingdom (UK).
  • To examine how human resource management (HRM) plays a part in effectively administrating these organisations’ policies, compliance, and employee relations.

13. Looking into warning indicators at a talent management firm representing social media influencers in the United Kingdom.


This study offers a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, risks, and indicators that influencers may encounter while collaborating with talent management agencies. In pursuit of this objective, the platform offers a range of materials to assist influencers and the industry at large in making informed decisions that align with the collective welfare.


  • To thoroughly analyse the social media influencer environment in the United Kingdom and the function of talent management firms in it.
  • To help influencers avoid the typical traps and hazards associated with working with talent management agencies.
  • To look at real-world instances and case studies of issues or disputes between influencers and talent management companies in the UK.

14. Talent management consulting businesses in the UK: an analysis of their role, importance, and impact on the employment prospects of recent graduates.


The research team involved in this study aspires to gain more insights into the impact of these firms on the labour market, their influence on guiding graduates towards specific career trajectories, and their role in facilitating professional development. This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the dynamics between talent management consulting firms and the career opportunities available to recent college graduates.


  • To evaluate the impact of such companies in filling the skills gap between universities and businesses and fostering the growth and development of new talent.
  • To examine how talent management consultancy affects young professionals’ capacity to get work and advance in their chosen fields.
  • To examine how these companies evaluate new talent, train and employ recent grads, and place them in suitable positions.

15. An examination of a case concerning HRM’s strategic talent management..


The aim of this study is to enhance comprehension of the potential impact of strategic talent management practises on organisational performance and success. This will be achieved by analysing the chosen scenario’s pertinent contextual factors, barriers, and outcomes.


  • To thoroughly analyse the chosen issue within human resource management, emphasising its background, main stakeholders, and obstacles.
  • Examine the situation’s recruiting, development, and retention tactics and the strategic talent management techniques used.
  • Evaluate how various personnel management strategies affect marketplace productivity, morale, and success.

16. Looking at the impact and role of emerging technologies on UK talent management..


This study aims to investigate the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and data analytics (DA) on the processes of talent acquisition, development, and retention in forthcoming times. This study seeks to elucidate the impact of technology on the evolution of talent management practises within the United Kingdom.


  • To evaluate the present talent management practices in the United Kingdom, including the application of technology to HR operations.
  • To recognise and evaluate new talent management technology trends and advances.
  • To analyse the pros and cons of implementing technological solutions for talent management.

17. The impact of Instagram influencers on the UK’s talent management industry has been studied.


This study aims to investigate the impact of Instagram stars’ popularity on the relationship between influencers and talent management organisations, as well as the range of opportunities that have emerged as a result. Within the framework of the social media influencer ecosystem, this study aims to shed light on the evolving dynamics of talent management.


  • To examine the rise and influence of Instagram influencers in the United Kingdom, considering factors including audience size, demographics, and market share.
  • To look at how talent management companies work with Instagram influencers as their representatives and partners.
  • Evaluate the potential and threats social media influencers present for talent management companies.

18. Looking at the impact and role of emerging technologies on UK talent management.


This study aims to ascertain the potential effects of artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, and automation on forthcoming strategies for the recruitment, training, and retention of highly skilled individuals. This study seeks to elucidate the impact of technology on the evolution of talent management practises within the United Kingdom.


  • To evaluate the present status of talent management practises in the UK, including technology’s role in these areas.
  • To recognise and evaluate new talent management technology trends and advances.
  • To analyse the pros and cons of implementing technological solutions for talent management.

19. Prospects for the future of talent management


The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current state of talent management, its historical evolution, and potential future directions. This initiative aims to offer valuable insights into the prospective landscape of personnel administration, encompassing emerging patterns, challenges, and potential opportunities.


  • To recognise significant issues, ideas, and theories in talent management.
  • To evaluate how talent management has changed through time and how it has evolved as a discipline.
  • To analyse how external elements, such as technology development and internationalisation, have affected talent management plans.

20. A review of talent management: infancy or adolescence?.


This study aims to evaluate the progression and advancement of talent management as an area of academic inquiry within the broader domain of human resource management. This study aims to provide insight into the historical context, challenges, and potential future advancements in talent management.


  • To examine the genesis and growth of talent management as an independent subfield of human resources in the past.
  • To evaluate how talent management practises are currently being implemented in various sectors.
  • Examine how far talent management has come as a discipline and how well it has adjusted to new circumstances.

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