Best Tourism Marketing Dissertation Topics Ideas For YOU

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Tourism is one of the leading industries globally in terms of economy. It has expanded to around 9.5 billion US dollars by the year 2023. Tourism contributes to the economic development of most countries around the globe.

Countries focus on marketing strategies for their tourism industry to attract and retain more tourists. All these strategies and phenomena count under the terminology tourism marketing. If you are considering to pay for dissertation seeking tourism marketing dissertation topic ideas, you are on the right platform.

Dissertation Help Services UK has experts who can come up with some ideal topics according to your customised requirements. We follow all the instructions provided by your institution and abide by general dissertation topic creation rules and regulations so that we can provide you with a well-researched topic. Further, we ensure that the topic we offer you has a significant impact on the marketing tourism industry.

List Of Tourism Marketing Dissertation Topics In UK

Our experts are well-versed in market research, content marketing, digital marketing, search engine optimisation, public relations, and customer relationships addressing to tourism marketing domain making them the best choice to get services like dissertation proposal writing help. They also have an extensive grip on destination branding, partnerships and collaborations, community engagement, tourism technology, event marketing, environmental and cultural sustainability, data analytics, etc.

Along with having intense knowledge of marketing strategies for tourism, they are also well aware of the current trends and problems in the tourism marketing industry, which makes them the best choice for your tourism marketing dissertation topic guide.

Here is a list of marketing dissertation topics. You can utilise these topics as it is or can change them according to your requirements. The best part is you can fill out the form to get some fresh ideas for your marketing dissertation.

1. Inspecting how tourism businesses overcome language barriers in appealing to global customers


The aim is to focus on ways through which tourism businesses market and attract global customers with diverse languages and cultures. Hence, the objectives are


  • To assess the language barriers experienced by tourism businesses.
  • To determine the tools and techniques adopted by businesses in the tourism industry to overcome the gaps
  • To evaluate the impact of marketing techniques adopted by companies to attract global customer base
  • To recommend strategies to enhance the marketing practices in reaching and attracting international customers

2. Assessing the impact of technology development on tourism marketing tactics and approaches


The aim is centred on looking into the evolution of technology for marketing employed in the tourism sector, including the practices, tactics, and approaches. Thus, the key objectives entail:


  • To review the technological innovation and development for marketing in the tourism industry
  • To examine the integration of technological innovation with marketing tactics used by tourism businesses
  • Compare the impact of diverse technology-driven marketing practices on the success of different tourism businesses
  • Identify the factors behind the latest technology adoption by tourism businesses

3. Comparing the marketing strategies of large and small-scale tourism service providers. A case of tour operators


The aim of the research is to conduct comparative research on the marketing practices and policies of small-scale and large tour operators. Therefore, the objectives of the research are:


  • To observe the marketing strategies used by small-scale tour operator companies
  • To highlight the marketing strategies adopted by large tour operator enterprises
  • To compare and contrast the marketing approaches of small and large tour operator businesses
  • To inquire about the gap between the effectiveness of diverse strategies between the different companies
  • To advise the companies to create tailored and effective marketing strategies

4. Determining the effect of destination marketing and its impact on boosting tourist motivation and satisfaction


The aim of the study is to go through the impact of destination marketing on promoting the locations, encouraging travellers to visit, and boosting their satisfaction levels. Hence, the objectives of the study are


  • To define the concept and factors of destination marketing
  • To analyse the pre-visit expectations and post-visit opinions of travellers
  • To survey the influence of destination marketing on enhancing tourist motivation
  • To measure the relationship between destination marketing and tourist satisfaction

5. Is tourism marketing a hoax? An exploratory study on the perspectives of customers.


The aim of the dissertation is to perform an exploratory study the perception of tourists on tourism marketing. Thus, the objectives of the dissertation are


  • To explore the tourists’ beliefs and attitudes towards tourism marketing
  • To study the role of different marketing strategies on customers
  • To inspect the factors that positively and negatively influence customer perspectives in the context of tourism marketing.
  • To measure the change in perception of people towards a destination prior to and post-exposure to marketing
  • To identify the ethical and moral implications of tourism marketing
  • To suggest methods to improve marketing practices and its effectiveness on the customers

6. Examining the prevalence of wellness tourism, its marketing, and its potential to attract customers


The aim of this research is to focus on the rise of wellness tourism, promotional approaches, and its ability to entice customers beyond health-conscious and mindful travellers. Therefore, the objectives of this research consist:


  • To define the concept of wellness tourism and the components that are behind its prevalence
  • To identify the marketing strategies for wellness tourism
  • To explore the ability of wellness tourism promotion to attract customers
  • To observe the opinions of travellers regarding wellness tourism
  • To give recommendations to enhance marketing practices for wellness tourism to boost the level of appeal to customers.

7. An SLR on the practices adopted by different cultures for marketing tourism destinations


The aim of this study is to conduct a systematic literature review on the marketing activities performed in diverse cultures to promote their destinations. Hence, the objectives of this study consist:


  • To examine the literature on diverse cultures and their tourism practices
  • To assess the difference in tourism marketing in different cultures and destinations
  • To determine the impact of culture on tourism marketing activities
  • To inspect the effectiveness of culturally tailored promotional approaches in different locations

8. Investigating the best practices in tourism marketing. A case study of hotel marketing


The aim of this dissertation is to go through the best practices adopted by hotel businesses in regard to tourism marketing. Thus, the objectives of this dissertation consist:


  • To evaluate the marketing strategies implemented by hoteling businesses operating in the tourism industry
  • To study the influence of different factors on hotel marketing including branding, positioning, customer feedback, product range, technology adoption, and customer services
  • To measure the relationship between hotel marketing and the number of customers
  • To highlight the best practices for hotel marketing in the tourism sector

9. Measuring the relationship between social media marketing and the number of tourists visiting the location


The research aim is to look into the role of social media marketing and its relationship with the number of visitors. Therefore, the objectives of the research include:


  • To assess the factors that affect the success of social media marketing including post consistency, content quality, latest trends, and customer engagement tactics
  • To investigate the success of different social media platforms and their respective content types
  • To determine the relationship between social media marketing and number of travellers
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of social media marketing in driving tourist traffic

10. Surveying the rise of sustainable and eco-tourism on promotional practices by tourism businesses


The study’s aim is to dig into the prevalence of sustainable tourism and eco-tourism in marketing activities in the tourism sector. Hence, the objectives of the study include:


  • To define the concepts and principles of ecotourism and sustainable tourism
  • To explore the factors that led to the rise of sustainable and eco-tourism
  • To survey the marketing approaches of eco and sustainable tourism services
  • To measure the effectiveness of sustainable and eco-tourism marketing in appealing to tourists and safeguarding the destinations and culture
  • To highlight the future trends and potential of eco and sustainable tourism in attracting customers and sustaining the environment, heritage, and community

11. Analyzing the role of online reviews in promoting a destination and influencing tourist decision-making


The dissertation’s aim is to go through the contribution of online reviews in marketing a location and impact the tourist decision-making process. Thus, the objectives of the dissertation include:

  • To analyse the impact of positive and negative online reviews on tourist decision-making
  • To inquire about the factors influencing the effectiveness of online reviews including reviewer credibility, platform reliability, content of the review, and prior experiences.
  • To propose suggestions on leveraging the use of online reviews for tourism marketing and increasing the number of visitors.

12. Discussing the effect of influencer marketing on choosing tourism destinations


This research aim is to ponder upon the concept of influencer marketing on people while making travelling plans. Therefore, this research’s objectives are:


  • To assess the components of influencer marketing that contribute to its rise and significance
  • To explore the different types of influencer marketing on tourists including blogs, vlogs, sponsored posts, contests and giveaways, and brand ambassador programs
  • To determine the perception of travellers on influencer marketing credibility and reliance
  • To observe influencer marketing in the context of ethical consideration and morality

13. Evaluating the contribution of festivals and cultural events in attracting tourists


This study’s aim is to focus on the role of cultural events and other festivals in promoting a destination and appealing to customers. Hence, this study’s objectives are:


  • To discuss the different types of festivals and cultural events
  • To identify the role of cultural events and other festivals in attracting visitors
  • To evaluate the influence of festivals and cultural events on tourist expenditure
  • To measure the impact of cultural events and other festivals on an increasing number of tourist
  • To offer advice on optimizing festivals and cultural events as a marketing tactic for increasing the rate of tourists.

14. A systematic literature review focusing on the different forms of tourism and their respective promotional practices


This dissertation’s aim is to perform an SLR on different types of tourism and compare their promotional activities. Thus, this dissertation’s objectives are:


  • To discuss the different types of tourism including cultural, sports, eco, dark, adventure, heritage, and wildlife.
  • To explore the market share and number of businesses operating in the different tourism categories
  • To compare and contrast the various marketing practices used by businesses catering to the diverse tourism types.
  • To propose recommendations on enhancing the promotional practices of different tourism business forms.

15. Inquiring the difference between marketing campaigns of travelling businesses working in the tourism industry


This research’s central aim is to take a look at marketing campaigns run by travelling businesses in the tourism sector. Therefore, this research’s objectives comprise:


  • To discuss the types of travelling businesses including travel agencies and tour operators
  • To explore the diverse types of travelling needs of customers including leisure, event, business, and niche
  • To inquire about the positioning and branding strategies of travel agents and tour operators
  • To analyse the responsiveness and adaptability of marketing strategies of each business type
  • To evaluate the use of technology and digitalization by tour operators and travel agencies
  • To provide advice on the best marketing campaigns and its optimization to attract customers

16. Reviewing tourism marketing and the contribution of augmented reality


This study’s central aim is to revisit the concept of tourism marketing in the context of augmented reality (AR). Hence, this study’s objectives comprise:


  • To discuss the adoption of digitalization in tourism marketing and its progression
  • To analyse the integration of AR into tourism marketing
  • To highlight the case of tourism businesses utilizing digital tools and AR for promotions
  • To explore the perception of travellers towards the use of AR by tourism businesses
  • To investigate the contributing factors and challenges in implementing AR for tourism marketing
  • To present suggestions on leveraging the use of AR for tourism marketing campaigns

17. Studying the role of demographics and gender in tourism marketing


This dissertation’s central aim is to look into the ways through which gender and demographics influence tourism businesses’ marketing activities. Thus, this dissertation’s objectives comprise:


  • To identify the demographic factors including age, income, education, location and occupation and their impact on creating tourism marketing strategies
  • To evaluate the role of gender in establishing marketing strategies by tourism businesse
  • To measure the effectiveness of segment-specific tourism promotional practices on customers
  • To determine the opinion of customers towards the customization of tourism marketing approaches
  • To recommend techniques to optimize segment-specific promotional strategies

18. Exploring the marketing tactics of dark tourism and its effect on tourist behaviour


The core aim is to go through the methods adopted by tourism businesses specific to offering dark tourism services. Therefore, the specified objectives encompass:


  • To define the concept, market demand, and value of dark tourism
  • To inquire about the promotional activities and tactics used to promote dark tourism
  • To compare and contrast the marketing techniques of dark tourism with other tourism types
  • To measure the effect of dark tourism marketing and tourist positive behaviour and attitude
  • To assess the role of narrative and storytelling in promoting dark tourist destinations

19. A comparative study on the difference between the marketing strategies of cruise tourism and land-based tourism


The principal aim is to perform a comparative study on cruise tourism and land-based tourism in the context of their promotional techniques. Hence, the established objectives involve:


  • To highlight the characteristics, trends, and types of cruise tourism
  • To study the trends, components, and categories of land-based tourism
  • To compare and contrast the marketing tactics of cruise and land-based tourism
  • To identify the key differences and reasons for diverse promotional activities of both sectors

20. Identifying the influence of tourism marketing on economic conditions and industry development s


The primary aim is to dig into the contribution of tourism marketing to the economy and growth of the sector. Thus, the stated objectives encompass:


  • To define the concept and components of tourism marketing
  • To explore the role of tourism marketing in shaping government policies
  • To measure the impact of tourism marketing on economic development
  • To inspect the influence of tourism marketing on industry progress
  • To survey the affect of tourism marketing on destination and location growth
  • To suggest the techniques to optimize tourism marketing in boosting economic and sector progression

Frequently Asked Questions

Different marketing strategies and methods that are used to promote tourism for a specific location or country are known as tourism marketing. It is basically a business whose primary purpose is to attract more and more tourists

  • Product
  • Price
  • Place
  • Promotion
  • People

A successful tourism marketing product should adhere to these basic principles to ensure tourist attraction, suitable facilities and quality services.

  • Attraction
  • Accommodation
  • Accessibility
  • Amenities

These factors determine the choice of a tourist.

  • Helps you stand out among the competitors
  • Offers people a reason to visit
  • Creates brand loyalty among the audience
  • Connects you with your tourists
  • Increases sales most importantly

  • Utilize social media, SEO, and online advertising for digital marketing.
  • Collaborate with travel influencers to promote the destination.
  • Create engaging content through blogs, videos, and guides.
  • Encourage user-generated content, including photos and reviews.
  • Establish partnerships with airlines, hotels, and local businesses.
  • Host or sponsor tourism-related events to attract visitors.
  • Leverage email marketing strategies for targeted outreach.
  • Implement sustainable and responsible tourism practices.

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