Mastering Your Research With Best Consumer Psychology Dissertation Topics Ideas

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Consumer psychology is all about getting to know your customers well in order to increase their interaction with your products and services and influence their purchasing decisions. Everything that comes under this phenomenon can be covered under consumer psychology dissertation topics. Professionals working at Online Dissertation Help have helped various students in this manner and are ready to serve you FREE of cost with dissertation topic creation.

List Of Consumer Psychology Dissertation Topics In UK

Before you go through our list of consumer psychology dissertation topics, it is essential to know how we create psychology dissertation topics.

  • Our experts go through several academic resources in the psychology discipline. They have access to PubMed, PsycINFO, ScienceDirect, JSTOR, APA PsycNET, ResearchGate, SpringerLink, EBSCOhost, etc, which allows them to keep updated with the latest research in the industry.
  • We make sure that the professionals working with consumer psychology in our team are highly skilled at data analysis, understanding human behaviour and identifying purchase decisions. It allows them to create topics that resonate well in the field.
  • Additionally, our team members make sure that the topics created have a significant purpose and fill the gap in consumer psychology research.

These are just a few reasons why our topics are up to the mark and have a great impact when chosen to write a dissertation. You can choose topics from this list as it is or can contact us for fresh topics using the form or ask our team to write my dissertation and get complete assistance from start to end.

1. Understanding the Influence of Culture in Promotional Activities and Consumer Consumption.


The aim of the research is to determine the ways through which culture is used in promotional practices that influence customers to opt for the product and brand. Hence, the research objectives are


  • To assess the different elements in culture including values, symbols, and traditions that impact people
  • Identify different strategies used by organizations to utilize cultural elements in promotional practices
  • Determine the relationship between culture and consumer consumption
  • To examine the ethical concerns in cross-cultural settings
  • To provide suggestions to businesses to effectively, ethically, and successfully integrate culture in promotional message

2. Exploring the Impact of Advertisements on Children and Their Persuasiveness Ability


The research aim is to look into the influence that advertisements have on children and on their level of persuasion. Thus, the research objectives are:


  • To examine the cognitive processes and abilities of children
  • Explore the persuasive techniques undertaken by businesses to target advertisements for children
  • To analyse the influence of advertisements on the persuasiveness of children
  • Highlight the adverse impacts of exploitative advertisements on young consumers
  • To review the legal regularities and moral implications for advertisements targeted to children

3. Compulsive Buying Behaviour: A Structural View on Customer’s Purchasing Habits


The aim of the dissertation is to offer a structural and detailed understanding of customer purchasing habits, with specific emphasis on the factors behind compulsive buying behaviour. Therefore, the dissertation objectives include:


  • Review the different types of purchasing habits among customers
  • Study the emotional and psychological triggers that contribute to compulsive buying behaviour
  • To assess the role of environmental drivers and financial stability influencing compulsive buying behaviour
  • Evaluate the impacts of compulsive buying behaviour on the mental health of customers
  • To highlight the intervention strategies to promote responsible and ethical practices by businesses and customers

4. Are Consumers Being Tricked into Purchasing? An Explorative Study on Consumer Psychology


The dissertation’s aim is to explore the concept of consumer psychology and assess the marketing practices undertaken by businesses. Hence, the objectives for the dissertation include:


  • To explore the marketing literacy and awareness among the consumers
  • Examine the use of consumer psychology including perception, feelings, and beliefs
  • To analyse the ways through which businesses utilize consumer information and psychology to boost sales
  • Identify controversies and cases for misleading customers to buy products and services
  • To determine potential measures against deceptive ways and boost customer protection, honesty, and transparency

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5. Investigating the Influence of Appealing Tactics on Sales for Fashion Companies


The aim of this research is to explore the appealing tactics used in the fashion industry to provoke customer buying and boost sales. Thus, the objectives are:


  • To explore the various appealing tactics used by businesses in the fashion sector
  • Investigate the influence of fashion shows and trends on consumer buying psychology
  • To identify the relationship between appealing tactics and product sales
  • Examine the role of customer appeal on consumer identification and association with the fashion brands

6. Understanding the Influence of Visuals and Verbal on Consumer Buying


This research aim is to obtain a detailed understanding and compare the impact of visual and verbal elements on customers. Therefore, the objectives include


  • Examine the effect of visual elements including videos, images, and colour schemes on consumer attention
  • To analyse the impact of wording such as taglines, wordings, and slogans on customer responsiveness
  • To explore the relationship between visuals and verbal aspects on consumers’ psychology
  • Compare the level of influence of visuals and verbal elements on customers
  • To offer suggestions for effective integration of visual and verbal approaches to attract customers

7. Examining the Role of Social Media Influencers on Consumer Purchase Intentions


The aim of this dissertation is to understand the role social media influencers play in motivating customers to make purchases. Hence, the following are the dissertation objectives


  • Understand the rise and importance of social media influencers from customer perspectives
  • Determine the credibility and authenticity of social media influencers from customer opinions
  • Investigate the approaches performed by social media influencers including tutorials, endorsements, and reviews
  • To analyse the extent of social media influencer impact on customer purchases, trends, and business performance
  • To examine the impact of social media influencers on brand loyalty and long-term success

8. Exploring the Influence of Colour Psychology on Consumer Behaviour, Response, and Decisions


This dissertation’s aim is to look into the concept of colour psychology and its effect on consumers. Thus, the following are the objectives:


  • To explore the concept of colour psychology and human behaviour
  • To determine the relationship between colour psychology and cultures and traditions
  • Assess the behaviour and response of customers prompted by different colour palettes
  • Explore the use of colour psychology by businesses to obtain desired customer decisions.
  • To recommend businesses for efficiently leveraging colour psychology to motivate positive customer response.

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9. Studying the Impact of Brand Personality on Receiving Positive Responses from Customers. A Comparative Study Across Different Sectors


The aim of the research is to compare various businesses in different sectors focusing on the influence of brand personality on customer responses. Therefore, the following are the research objectives:


  • Examine the different brand personality traits in different businesses
  • To determine the association of brand personality with target customer’s characteristics
  • To investigate the impact of brand personality on customer preferences, purchasing, and loyalty.
  • To create industry-specific recommendations to create effective strategies to align brand personality with customer characteristics.

10. An Empirical Study on Scarcity Marketing and its Ability to Influence Retail Consumers


The research aim is to conduct an empirical study that examines the effectiveness of scarcity marketing to influence customers. Hence, the objectives consist:


  • To explore the concept of scarcity marketing and its types adopted by companies
  • To examine the psychological principles that boost the impact of scarcity marketing
  • Analyse the moderating factors including product type, consumer demographics, and different retailers
  • Identify the drawbacks related to scarcity marketing on consumers and retailers in the long run

11. Exploring the Use of Pathos in Eliciting Emotional Responses from Customers


The aim of the dissertation is to explore the concept of pathos in consumer psychology and the ways to boost emotional responses from consumers. Thus, the dissertation objectives consist


  • Examine the types of pathos-driven practices for emotional appeals
  • To analyse the influence of different approaches used by companies including empathetic messaging, humour narrative, and storytelling
  • Assess the personality traits and demographics that moderate the impact of pathos in eliciting emotional responses from customers
  • To determine the rate of emotional response conversion into positive purchase decisions

12. Which is the Most Influential on Customers; Brand Image or Brand Identity?


The dissertation’s aim is to compare and contrast the influencing power of brand image and brand identity. Therefore, the dissertation objectives comprise


  • Examine the factors impacting the effectiveness of brand image to influence customers
  • To analyse the aspects of brand identity contributing to its success in motivating customers
  • Explore the varying brand image and identity strategies in different industries
  • To provide suggestions to increase the effectiveness of brand image and brand identity

13. Ethos or Logos? A Comparative Study on Understanding Its Power of Persuasion on Customers


The aim of this research is to compare two psychological approaches, ethos and logos to understand their impact on persuading customers’ positive response. Hence, the research objectives consist:


  • To assess the persuasiveness power of ethos including trust, credibility, and expertise
  • To examine the influential ability of logos including evidence, logic, and reasoning
  • Analyse the difference between the impact of ethos and logos appeals on consumer purchasing decisions
  • To explore the strategies adopted by companies to apply both appeals to motivate customers

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    14. Evaluating the Reactions and Responses of Customers towards Personalized Advertisements


    This research aim is to determine the opinion of customers towards personalized messages and ads. Thus, the research objectives comprise:


    • Assess the perception and beliefs of customers towards personalized advertising
    • To examine the effectiveness of individualized marketing on customer purchase intentions
    • To explore the privacy and ethical concerns for targeted messages
    • Understand the underlying factors that limit the impact of personalized campaigns on customers
    • To offer suggestions to boost personalized marketing success on customer buying decisions.

    15. A Systematic Literature Review on Understanding Sensory Psychology on Customer Buying Decisions


    The aim of this dissertation is to conduct an SLR that covers sensory psychology and provides insight into the influence of stimuli on customers. Therefore, the objectives are:


    • To perform a comprehensive review of all the sensory cues including visual, touch, hearing, and scent
    • Identify the approaches used by companies to utilize sensory cues and stimuli to generate positive customer purchase decisions
    • To determine the underlying aspects of human psychology that impact the effectiveness of sensory cues
    • Provide suggestions to increase the effectiveness of integrating sensory cues and customer behaviour

    16. Investigating the Psychology behind Brand Attachment and its Effect on Customers Buying Intentions


    This dissertation’s aim is to examine the customer psychology that contributes towards brand attachment. Hence, the objectives include:

    • To determine the concept of brand attachment and its impacting factors
    • To identify the factors that impact brand attachment and generate positive buying intentions
    • Examine the role of trust and connection with the brands that foster positive customer response
    • Explore the ways and strategies through which business brands boost attachment with customers

    17. Determining the Effect of Societal Pressure on Consumer Psychology


    The aim of the study is to explore the role society plays in shaping customer behaviour and decision-making. Thus, the objectives of the study consist


    • To examine the extent to which societal norms, expectations, and traditions influence customer choices
    • To determine the level of peer and family pressure present in a society
    • Explore the power of social comparison impacting on purchasing behaviour of customers
    • Investigate the ways through which businesses leverage societal pressure to influence customer purchases

    18. Understanding the Perceptions of Customers towards the Use of Augmented Reality


    The study’s aim is to look into the opinions and perceptions of customers towards the increasing use of AR technology to boost their experiences. Therefore, the study objectives include:


    • To investigate the rising adoption of AR technology and customer experiences
    • To determine the challenges and barriers faced by customers while using AR technology
    • Explore the attitude and opinion of customers towards the use of AR tools in shopping experiences
    • To offer suggestions to enhance customer experience and AR technology by considering their preferences and concerns.

    19. Reviewing the Role of Culture in Motivating Customers to Make Purchase Decisions


    The aim of the study is to conduct a review to understand the role of culture and its motivating factors while making buying decisions. Hence, the objectives of the study are

    • To determine cultural dimensions and differences that shape customer behaviour
    • Investigate the association between culture and motivating factors in making purchase decisions
    • To explore the conflicts and controversies that occurred due to differences in cultures and customer preferences
    • To provide recommendations to integrate motivational factors with culture to boost sales

    20. Analysing the Factors of Word of Mouth in Prompting Buying Intentions


    The study aims to explore WOM factors and customer beliefs that motivate them to purchase products. Thus, the objectives of the study include:


    • To determine the beliefs of customers towards word of mouth communication
    • To investigate the influence of WOM communication on purchase intentions and buying decisions
    • Analyse the role of information provider and communicator in promoting positive response from customer
    • To explore the impact of reliability, credibility, and trust on customers before making purchases
    • Offer practical suggestions to benefit from word of mouth communication and increase in sales of products and services

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Consumer psychology is understanding the purchasing behaviour of a customer. Among so many consumer psychology examples, the most common that brands use excessively is pricing strategies. Numerous pricing strategies with respect to consumer psychology are bundling, price anchoring, odd pricing, psychological pricing, premium pricing, etc.

    Consumer psychologists are dedicated to conducting market research, developing marketing messages, and delving into consumer attitudes and behaviour. To be a consumer psychologist and learn it to perfection, you should,

    • Get a bachelor's degree in Psychology
    • Choose courses like human behaviors, marketing, social psychology, etc.
    • Get deep into advertising and marketing trends
    • Learn in-depth about experimental methods, designs, and statistics

    • Exploring the Impact of Advertisements on Children and Their Persuasiveness Ability
    • Are Consumers Being Tricked into Purchasing? An Explorative Study on Consumer Psychology
    • Examining the Role of Social Media Influencers on Consumer Purchase Intentions
    • An Empirical Study on Scarcity Marketing and its Ability to Influence Retail Consumers
    • Ethos or Logos? A Comparative Study on Understanding Its Power of Persuasion on Customers

    Some of the key factors that influence consumer behaviour,

    • Perception
    • Motivation
    • Attitudes
    • Learning
    • Memory
    • Cognition and Decision-Making
    • Emotions
    • Social Influence
    • Perceived Risk
    • Cultural and Subcultural Influences

    • Data analysis
    • Applying statistics
    • Writing reports
    • Creating testable
    • Analysing human behaviour

    These are some of the major skills that you should master as a consumer psychologist.

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