Are you looking forward to get connected with a law dissertation writing service for cybercrime dissertation topics creation? This is one of the finest platforms which has been serving students in this domain for years.
Our experts have an exceptional grip on various subtopics falling under the cybercrime umbrella. We have IT experts equipped with practical knowledge and unlimited academic exposure. This is the reason Online Dissertation Help serves students with top cybercrime dissertation topic creation.
List Of Cybercrime Dissertation Topics In UK
We are all set to assist you with cybercrime dissertation topics. Are you ready to avail this customised assistance? Before digging out the list of topics, let’s have a quick look at the features we offer with our tailored law dissertation topic selection help.
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Go through the list and select a suitable topic. You can also pay for dissertation to discuss the topic with our experts to modify it or incorporate the given feedback.
1. A Review of effective cyber security strategies for mitigating cybercrime risk to business operations and continuity
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of effective cyber security strategies for mitigating cybercrime risk to business operations and continuity. In order to achieve this aim, following are the research objectives of this study:
- To study the concept of cybercrime in the business environment
- To identify the cyber security strategies used to reduce the risk of cybercrime
- To review the effects of cyber security strategies on business operations and continuity through mitigating cybercrime risk
2. A critical analysis of the role of cyber security throughout the supply chain for enhancing supply chain performance and collaboration.
This research study intends to evaluate the role of cyber security throughout the supply chain for enhancing supply chain performance and collaboration. Following are the research objectives that will help researcher to achieve this aim:
- To study the notion and importance of cyber security in the supply chain management
- To analyse the significance of Cyber security in Supply Chain Collaboration and Management
- To critically analyse the Role of Cyber security in Enhancing Supply Chain Collaboration and Performance
3. Cyber security in the developing world: A critical analysis of opportunities and current barriers to implementation.
This research study is aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of cyber security in the context of developing world on the basis of its current barriers and opportunities for implementation. Following are the research objectives formulated to be achieved in this study:
- To study the concept of cyber security
- To determine the factors causing barriers and opportunities for implementation of cyber security
- To critically analyse the effects of cyber security on potentiality of cybercrime risks and challenges
4. Examining the role of Crypto currency in Enabling Cyber Crime Activities: An Overview of the Virtual Transactions Used for Money Laundering
The aim of this study is to examine the role of crypto currency in enabling cybercrime activities with emphasising virtual transactions used for money laundering. The objectives of this study are:
- To study the concept of crypto currency
- To analyse the relationship between crypto currency and money laundering
- To examine the role of crypto currency in enabling cybercrime activities with emphasising virtual transactions used for money laundering

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5. Analysing the Role of Bayesian Model Networking Applications in Cyber Security
This study is aimed at analysing the role of Bayesian model networking applications in cyber security. The objectives that will help researcher to achieve this aim are:
- To study the evolution of Bayesian model networking in the context of cyber security
- To determine the models and applications of Bayesian model networking use to overcome data limitations
- To analyse the role and growth of Bayesian model networking applications in cyber security
6. Cybercrime Techniques in Online Banking of the USA: How to Combat Cyber-Crime in Online Banking using Big Data
This research study is intended to evaluate the effectiveness of cybercrime techniques in combating cybercrime and online banking fraud using Big Data in the context of USA. Following are the research objectives of this study:
- To evaluate the prevalence of cybercrime in the USA
- To determine the cybercrime techniques that are helpful in combating cybercrime
- To analyse the effects of cybercrime techniques on cybercrime activities developed by online banking using big data
7. Determining the Relationship between Cybercrime and Mental Health among College Students in the UK
This study is aimed at determining the relationship between cybercrime and mental health among college students in the UK. The objectives that will help researcher to achieve this aim are:
- To analyse the prevalence of cybercrime issues in the UK
- To determine the factors of cybercrime causing mental health issues to be developed among students
- To analyse the between cybercrime and mental health among college students in the UK
8. Demonstrating the Role of Cyber security, Cyber-Resilience, and Data Privacy in reducing the threats of Cybercrime in the Banking Industry
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the role of cyber security, cyber-resilience, and data privacy in reducing the threats of cybercrime in the banking industry. Following are the research objectives that are intended to be achieved in this study:
- To study the concept of cyber-resilience, cyber security and data privacy
- To identify the importance of cyber-resilience and data privacy in reducing the threats of cybercrime in the banking industry
- To evaluate the impact of cyber security, cyber-resilience, and data privacy on cybercrime issues in the banking industry
9. Analysing the Hacking Systems and Tools used in the Case of Gary McKinnon’s Hacking Event
This study is aimed at analysing the hacking systems and tools used in the case of Gary McKinnon’s hacking event. The objectives that will help researcher to achieve this aim are:
- To evaluate the history of Gary McKinnon’s hacking event
- To determine the significance of understanding Gary McKinnon’s hacking event in the context of cybercrime
- To analyse the hacking systems and tools used by hackers in the case of Gary McKinnon’s hacking event for stealing data

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10. Evaluating the Psychological and Emotional Effects of Identity Theft in the Context of Online Educational Setting
The aim of this research is to evaluate the psychological and emotional effects of identity theft in the context of online educational setting. To achieve this aim, following are the research objectives:
- To study the concept of identity theft in the online educational setting
- To determine the relationship between identity theft and cyberbullying in the educational context
- To evaluate the psychological and emotional effects of identity theft in the context of online educational setting
Cybercrime Research Topics
11. Explaining the Laws and Regulations associated with Cybercrime: A Comparative Study of Cybercrime in US and UK
This research is aimed at conducting a comparative study to the explain the laws and regulations associated with cybercrime in US and UK. The objectives that will help researcher to achieve this aim are:
- To determine the laws and regulations associated with cybercrime
- To compare the and regulations associated with cybercrime in US and UK
- To analyse the role of cybercrime rules and regulations in mitigating the issues of cybercrime and attacks in US and UK
12. Application of Web Application Firewalls and Web-based Deception Solutions in Protecting Data of Online Consumers from Cyber attacks
The aim of this research is to analyse the application of web application firewalls and web-based deception solutions in protecting data of online consumers from cyber attacks. To achieve this aim, following are the research objectives:
- To study the concept of data protection in the digitalised world
- To analyse the functionality of web application firewalls and web-based deception in reducing threats of cyber attacks
- To analyse the application and effectiveness of web application firewalls and web-based deception solutions in protecting data of online consumers from cyber attacks
13. Analysing the Factors causing Cloud Computing Environment vulnerable to Cyber security Threats and Challenges
The aim of this research is to analysing the factors causing cloud computing environment vulnerable to cyber security threats and challenges. To achieve this aim, following are the research objectives:
- To study the notion of cloud computing in the digitalised world
- To analysing the factors causing cloud computing environment vulnerable to cyber security threats and challenges
- To determine the strategies that can be adopted to reduce vulnerability of cloud computing environment to cyber security attacks
14. Evaluating the Consequences and Strategies to Prevent Phishing Scams in the Modern Society
This research study is aimed at evaluating the consequences and strategies to prevent phishing scams in the modern society. Following are the research objectives of this study:
- To study the incidence rate of phishing scams across the globe
- To determine the effects of phishing scams on cyber security and protection in the modern society
- To evaluate the consequences and strategies to prevent phishing scams in the modern society
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15. Examining the Effects of E-Governance and Confidentiality of Consumer Data in the Banking Sector of the UK
The aim of this study is to examine the effects of e-governance and confidentiality of consumer data in the banking sector of the UK. In order to achieve this aim, following are the objectives of this study:
- To study the concept of e-governance in the banking sector of the UK
- To determine the factors of e–governance improving confidentiality of consumer data in the banking sector of the UK
- To examine the effects of e-governance and confidentiality of consumer data in the banking sector of the UK
16. A Comprehensive Analysis of the Cyber Laws Regarding Information Security in Nigeria
This research study is aimed at conducting comprehensive analysis of the cyber laws regarding information security in Nigeria. Following are the research objectives of this study:
- To study the concept of information security
- To determine the cyber laws effective for improving information security
- To conduct a comprehensive analysis of the cyber laws regarding information security in Nigeria.
17. Analysis of Social and Technological Factors affecting Information Security and Protection in the Context of E-commerce
The purpose of this study is to analyse the social and technological factors affecting information security and protection in the context of e-commerce. Following are the research objectives of this study:
- To study the importance of information security and protection in the context of e-commerce
- To determine the social and technological factors affecting information security and protection in the context of e-commerce
- To evaluate the effects of information security and protection on cybercrime in the context of e-commerce.
18. Role of Cyber security in Reducing Cyber attacks and Threats during the Crisis of COVID-19 Pandemic
The aim of this study is to analyse the role of cyber security in reducing cyber attacks and threats during the crisis of COVID-19 pandemic. Following are the research objectives of this study:
- To study the incidence rate of cyber attacks during pandemic
- To determine the strategies that could be used to reduce cyber attacks and threats during the crisis of covid-19 pandemic
- To analyse the role of cyber security in reducing cyber attacks and threats during the crisis of COVID-19 pandemic
19. Evaluating the Policies of Cybercrime and Cyberbullying and their Effectiveness in Reducing Harassment and Bullying Cases in Pakistan
This research study is aimed at evaluating the cybercrime and cyberbullying policies and their effectiveness in reducing harassment and bullying cases in Pakistan. Following are the research objectives of this study:
- To study the concept of cyberbullying in Pakistan
- To determine the policies of cybercrime and cyberbullying used to reduce bullying cases in Pakistan
- To evaluating the effectiveness of cybercrime and cyberbullying policies in reducing harassment and bullying cases in Pakistan