Feminism is often defined wrong. People consider it as women asking for some extra rights. However, this isn’t the case. It is about gender equality and having equal rights and opportunities for all sexes. It basically is a socio-political movement that demands equal personal, social, political, and economic opportunities regardless of the sexes.
Dissertation topics under the umbrella field of feminism can be gender inequality, wage gap, women’s rights, reproductive rights, patriarchy, gender stereotypes, intersectionality, feminist movements, sexism, feminist literature, sexual harassment, body positivity, women in the workplace, feminist theory, domestic violence, women’s suffrage, LGBTQ+ rights, feminism and media, feminism and technology, global feminism, and much more.
The good news is that our experts at Online Dissertation Help UK having major degrees in feminism are all ready to guide you throughout your journey. We are all set to serve you with feminism dissertation topic creation till the completion of your dissertation project. All you need is to choose a topic from the list below or ask our experts to write my dissertation for original work written from scratch.
List Of Feminism Dissertation Topics In UK
Even though you are looking forward to gender dissertation topics, feminism dissertation topics, or any other domain, you have our back. Whether you want just an idea for a topic or a dissertation proposal writing service, we are here. Don’t hesitate to fill out the form and ask us for fresh topics and dissertation ideas in the field of feminism. You can also search for a suitable topic from the list below. We have gathered aims and objectives as well so that you can easily understand the purpose of the topic and choose one according to your preferences.
1. Feminism and Antiracism in Britain after 9/11
Aims and Objectives
- To analyse the impact of the September 11th events on the lexicon and practises of the feminist and antiracist movements.
- To provide a comprehensive historical context for the development of feminism and antiracism in Britain, both before and after the significant September 11, 2001 event.
- To analyse the intersection of feminism and antiracism in post-September 11th Britain. The primary emphasis will be on significant events, initiatives, and projects that have emerged in this domain.
- To provide recommendations to politicians, activists, and academics on strengthening the collaboration between feminist and antiracist organisations to attain gender parity and racial justice in contemporary Britain..
2. Translating Feminism in China.
Aim and Objectives
- To investigate the linguistic, cultural, and ideological obstacles that impede the unmediated transmission of Western feminist ideas and conceptions inside the Chinese context.
- To examine the strategies used by feminist activists in China in response to the obstacles presented by state censorship and government policies and to assess the efficacy of these approaches.
- To provide a comprehensive overview of the historical development of feminism in China, with a particular emphasis on key individuals and collectives that have played pivotal roles in shaping its trajectory.
- To evaluate the reception and response of various stakeholders in China, including academics, politicians, activists, and the general public, towards translated feminist literature and ideas.
3. Confession of a Feminist Economist: Why I Have not Yet Taught an Economic Course on Women’s Issues.
Aim and Objectives
- To provide a comprehensive description of the feminist economist’s life and work, including her educational background, research interests, and relationships with faculty, students, and other professionals.
- To examine the effects on students’ knowledge of gender dynamics, policy creation, and societal and economic results as a result of the lack of attention paid to women’s concerns in economics curricula.
- To provide a thorough introduction to feminist economics, focusing on its role in questioning conventional economic models and promoting a more diverse and inclusive approach.
4. Feminist Research Methodologies and Student Projects in Geography
Aim and Objectives
- To examine examples of feminist research approaches (both qualitative and quantitative) being used in student projects in the field of Geography.
- To analyse how feminist research methodologies affected student-driven geographic inquiry in terms of question formulation, data collecting, and analysis.
- To evaluate how students’ awareness of gender dynamics, social justice concerns, and intersectionality in different geographical locations changes as a result of adding feminist viewpoints into their projects.
- To provide readers an in-depth introduction to feminist research methodology in Geography by elucidating its key principles, primary approaches, and historical development.

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5. The Growth and Future of Feminist Theories in International Relations
Aim and Objectives
- Evaluate the influence of feminist ideas on our understanding of security, conflict, diplomacy, human rights, and global governance in the larger context of International Relations.
- Examining how feminist theories have either influenced or challenged conventional methods to international diplomacy, conflict resolution, and global governance allows us to gauge the impact of these ideas on international policy and practice.
- To offer a comprehensive historical overview of the emergence and development of feminist theories within the discipline of International Relations, highlighting key figures, pivotal moments, and foundational texts.
- To investigate the challenges and controversies within the academic and policy communities in response to the integration of feminist theories into the field of International Relations.
6. Role of family mediation in resolving disputes and promoting amicable resolution
Aim and Objectives
- To analyse the significant contributions made by prominent feminist philosophers and researchers throughout a specific time frame, focusing on their significant publications, theoretical stances, and enduring intellectual impacts.
- To situate the feminist philosophical terrain of the mid-1990s in a broader framework, including socio-political and cultural movements, it is necessary to examine postmodernism, identity politics, and criticisms of essentialism.
- To foster a collaborative examination of the prevailing feminist philosophical discourses and debates that held prominence throughout the mid-1990s, this endeavour aims to include a range of topics, such as agency, identity, ethics, and epistemology.
- To examine the intersections and impacts of feminist philosophy during the mid-1990s on many academic fields, including critical theory, literary studies, and cultural studies.
7. Feminism Consequences and Objectified Body Consciousness.
Aim and objectives
- To analyse objectification’s psychological, sociological, and anthropological consequences, particularly emphasising its impact on women’s self-perception, self-assurance, and well-being.
- To examine the role of media, advertising, and popular culture in perpetuating objectified body ideals. Additionally, this study aims to assess the potential mitigating effects of media literacy and exposure to diverse representations on the detrimental consequences of objectification.
- To investigate the interconnections between racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender identities and their influence on individuals’ opinions towards objectification and body image.
- To analyse the potential impact of feminist and body-positive movements on prevailing societal perceptions of an ideal body shape.
8. The Rise of Feminist Criminology
Aim and objectives
- To enhance the understanding of crime and victimisation, it is essential to analyse the fundamental theoretical elements of feminist criminology, including its critique of conventional criminological paradigms and its emphasis on gender.
- To examine the historical development of feminist criminology, emphasising critical scholars, theoretical frameworks, and pivotal moments.
- To explore the many dimensions of identification within the framework of feminist criminology, explicitly focusing on the intersections between various axes of identity and their influence on individuals’ encounters with crime and justice. It investigates the interconnectedness of gender, race, class, sexual orientation, and other social identities in shaping these experiences.
- To explore the challenges and debates that have emerged within the field of feminist criminology, including essentialism, intersectionality, and the contrasting methodologies used by feminist criminologists compared to their conventional counterparts.

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9. Recalibrating Management: Feminist activism to achieve equality in an evolving university
Aim and Objectives
- To provide a comprehensive overview of the historical context and progression of feminist activism inside academic institutions, explicitly emphasising pivotal occurrences, notable figures, and influential movements.
- To explore the impact of feminist activism on gender-related policies and practises inside universities, explicitly focusing on hiring and promotion criteria, implementing family-friendly rules, and providing support for disadvantaged groups.
- To examine the impact of feminist activism on the representation of women and other historically marginalised groups in administrative positions within higher education institutions.
10. Knowledge Organisation for feminism and feminist Research
Aim and Objectives
- To evaluate the present condition of feminism and feminist research via an analysis of the existing knowledge organisation systems, such as libraries, databases, and digital platforms, that are specifically devoted to this topic.
- To assess the efficacy of current knowledge organisational systems via a feminist lens, with specific emphasis on marginalised populations, geographical regions, and fields of study that have been historically overlooked.
- To assess the feasibility of using collaborative and multidisciplinary approaches to information management for feminist purposes by considering partnerships among libraries, academic institutions, feminist groups, and digital platforms.
- To provide novel approaches to arranging material that will enhance the accessibility, searchability, and applicability of feminist research across diverse settings and geographical locations.
11. Feminist sociology in the Czech Republic after 1989
Aim and Objectives
- To provide a historical framework for the emergence and progression of feminist sociology within the Czech Republic after the political and social transformations that transpired in 1989.
- To explore the influence of feminist sociology on the academic sphere, specifically focusing on its effect on curriculum, research objectives, and the integration of gender perspectives within sociological studies.
- To examine the interplay between feminist sociology and other theoretical frameworks and academic disciplines within the context of the Czech Republic. The aim is to facilitate interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration.
12. Institutional Ethnography as a feminist approach to social work research
Aim and Objectives
- To provide a comprehensive overview of the research methodology called Institutional Ethnography (IE), focusing on its theoretical foundations, guiding principles, and alignment with feminist epistemologies.
- To examine the potential of Institutional Ethnography (IE) to identify and assess the institutional practices and policies that contribute to or challenge gender-based and intersectional injustices in social work research.
- To investigate the influence of researcher positionality, identity, and values on the research process and findings. Specifically, it wants to explore the role of feminist reflexivity in performing intersectional ethnography.
- To critically analyse case studies or examples of research projects using intersectionality as a feminist methodology in social work. The objective is to emphasise exemplary practises and innovative applications in this area.
13. The politics of feminist translation and reproduction in post-socialist Serbia
Aim and Objectives
- To provide a historical analysis of the feminist movement in Serbia, contextualising it within the broader socio-political changes that ensued after the decline of socialism.
- To investigate the linguistic, cultural, and political elements involved in localising and adapting feminist discourses and activities within post-socialist Serbia.
- To examine the interconnections between feminist translation and LGBTQ+ rights, sexual health advocacy, and broader human rights discourses in Serbia.
- To get a deeper comprehension of the impact of feminist translation projects and initiatives in Serbia on the progression of reproductive politics and gender equality, it is beneficial to analyse specific instances via case studies.
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14. The nation and its new women: Feminism, nationalism, colonialism and the Palestinian women’s movement (1920-1948).
Aim and Objectives
- To demonstrate the evaluation of Palestinian women’s participation within the broader nationalist movement necessitates consideration of their anti-colonial fight, nation-building endeavours, and advocacy for self-determination.
- To conduct a critical assessment of the efforts undertaken by the Palestinian women’s movement in reconciling feminist principles, nationalist aspirations, and the requirements of the anti-colonial endeavour.
- To contextualise the emergence of feminist, nationalist, and colonialist movements by offering an overview of Palestine’s political and social landscape between 1920 and 1948.
- To provide a scholarly examination of the Palestinian women’s movement from 1920 to 1948, exploring its historical significance and implications for contemporary endeavours towards justice and self-determination.
15. The Challenge of Feminist geography: Feminist geography in Denmark
Aim and Objectives
- To analyse the impact of feminist geography on conceptions of power, identity, and representation within the discipline of geography and its role in questioning and broadening established geographical frameworks.
- To explore the contentious aspects of feminist geography in Denmark, specifically focusing on debates around inclusion, research ethics, and the field’s potential to influence policy and practice.
- To provide a comprehensive analysis of the development of feminist geography in Denmark, explicitly emphasising key figures, significant events, and theoretical frameworks that have shaped the field.
- To enhance comprehension of the impact and potential of feminist geography in addressing spatial inequalities and promoting gender-informed perspectives, this study will analyse instances of research projects carried out in Denmark
16. Media Representation and Gender Equality: Examining the Portrayal of Women in Contemporary Media.
Aim and Objectives
- To evaluate women’s roles, stereotypes, agency, and visibility in various media formats, such as television, cinema, advertising, news media, and internet platforms.
- To learn how media portrayals of women shape gender norms, expectations, and stereotypes and how these affect people’s views on women’s rights and the fight for equal rights.
- To examine the efforts of feminists, feminist organisations, and media activists to combat sexism in the media, encourage inclusive portrayals, and push for gender parity in the industry
- To provide concrete suggestions for media professionals, content producers, and legislators to advance gender equality, combat negative stereotypes, and enhance positive depictions of women in the media.
17. Intersectionality and Activism: Analysing the Impact of Intersectional Feminism on Social Movements.
Aim and Objectives
- To explain the concept of intersectionality in depth, particularly as it relates to feminist and social justice activism.
- To determine how intersectional feminism has played a significant role in studying case studies of major social movements (such as civil rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and environmental justice).
- To examine the difficulties with various ideological frameworks and the problems of implementing intersectional feminism in the context of social action.
- To investigate the impact of intersectional feminism on local, national, and international movements for social justice.
18. Feminist Analysis of Reproductive Rights and Choice: A Comparative Study of Women’s Autonomy in Legislation and Practice
Aim Objectives
- To compare and contrast the legal provisions and their consequences for women’s autonomy in several legal systems controlling reproductive rights.
- To examine how women’s decision-making is affected by the availability and accessibility of reproductive healthcare services such as contraception, family planning, prenatal care, and safe abortion.
- To analyse case studies and qualitative data to show how different legislative frameworks either aid or impede women’s capacity to exercise reproductive autonomy.
- To pinpoint where more work needs to be done in order to ensure that reproductive rights legislation is effectively translated into services that are accessible, affordable, and free of stigma.