Best Marketing Dissertation Topics Ideas To Capture The World of Business and Branding

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Are you set to create an impact in the business world with your amazing dissertation? But first, you need a good marketing dissertation topic that can support your vision. Worry not, we have the best solution, whether you just need dissertation proposal writing or want to buy dissertation to get help with every aspect, our experts have an excellent grip on marketing which is a multifaceted discipline.

They have helped students in a spectrum of subtopics under a marketing umbrella that extends from consumer connections to market research. Their experience also involves gathering and interpreting data to discern consumer preferences and market trends.

Further, our experts have a good grip on brand management, brand identity, social media, SEO, content marketing, advertising, promotion, campaigns, brand visibility, and much more. Also, we explore pricing strategies, product development, psychological and behavioural factors in marketing, distribution channels and international marketing.

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Dissertation Help Services UK make sure that we are active and online all the time to help you with marketing dissertation topic creation. Have a quick look at the features of our topic creation service.

  • Our experts are available 24/7 to assist you. Not matter, from where or when you are requesting to create dissertation topics. We do it for you around the clock.
  • We offer tailored dissertation topic creation services aligning with your research interests. We also focus on personalised themes to meet academic requirements.
  • It is essential that the topics are clear, concise and focused towards a particular issue or point from your field of study.
  • We guide you throughout the process of topic creation with continuous topic refinement service. Considering the feedback from your professors, we continue to enhance your topics.
  • Realising the importance of clear communication with the writers, we ensure that you get connected with the writers to discuss your concerns via email.
  • Above these all specifications, it is necessary that you receive the topics on time. Hence we prioritise on-time delivery of marketing dissertation topics.

List Of Marketing Dissertation Topics In UK

What are you waiting for? Here is the list of marketing dissertation topics that we have created for our beloved students. Check out this list and select any one or multiple topics that you think resonate with your personal interests.

Also, you have complete rights to edit or revise the topics if you think these topics need a few amendments. If you do not find any of the topics worthy, or relevant to your perspectives, you can ask us for fresh topics, we will come up with original dissertation topics in no time.

1. Evaluating the Role that Communication Strategies Play in Luxury Fashion Marketing – A Case Study of Gucci, Chanel and Prada


The study aims to assess the role that communication strategies play for Gucci, Chanel and Prada in marketing their products to consumers.


  • To investigate the role of communication strategies in the world of luxury fashion marketing
  • To assess the role that communication strategies play for Gucci, Chanel and Prada in marketing their products to consumers
  • To understand how new fashion manufacturing should be communicated to consumers
  • To examine how messages and information about brands should be labelled to attract customers
  • To suggest how Gucci, Prada and Chanel can label their messages and information to attract customers keeping in mind the USP of each brand

2. A Study to Identify and Examine the Key Ethical Issues in the Marketing of Pharmaceutical Products in India


The following study aims to identify and assess the challenges and key ethical issues that are observed in the marketing of pharmaceutical products with a focus on the pharmaceutical industry of India.


  • Identify why and how pharmacists can be occasionally led to unethical behaviour during contact
  • Explain the reason for pharmaceutical products’ sensitivity to advertising
  • To examine how a minor misconduct in pharmaceutical marketing can lead to a loss of public trust in the industry with a few case study examples
  • To assess the challenges and key ethical issues that are observed in the marketing of pharmaceutical products in India
  • To offer policy recommendations that can be taken up by the Indian pharmaceutical industry to overcome the challenges identified

3. Assessing the Impact of Product Packaging on Organisational Sales – A Case of Lacoste and RxBar


The study aims to investigate how product packaging (which includes shape, colour and other attributes) influences the purchase behaviour of consumers which in turn can have either a positive or negative impact on organisational sales by taking Lacoste and RxBar, with each brand belonging to two different industries, as case study examples.


  • To explain the relationship between product packaging and consumer purchase decision
  • To explain the role of intense competition in the relationship between product packaging and consumer purchase decision
  • To review how Lacoste and RxBar packaged their products before changing their packaging and the philosophy behind it
  • To examine the need identified by Lacoste and RxBar to change their product packaging
  • To review the results observed by Lacoste and RxBar in their organisational sales after changing their packaging
  • To justify the negative or positive change observed by Lacoste and RxBar in organisational sales after changing their packaging

4. Examining the Role that Information Technology (IT) Plays in Transforming How Marketers Approach Manipulative Marketing


The current study aims to analyse the role that information technology (IT) plays in revolutionising how marketers now approach manipulative marketing in the retail sector of the UK.


  • To examine how platforms provided by the digital world or digital media can be used to manipulate customers through deceptive marketing techniques
  • To examine how deceptive marketing can harm a brand’s reputation with a reference to particular case study examples
  • To analyse the role that information technology (IT) plays in revolutionising how marketers now approach manipulative marketing
  • To examine how marketers are leveraging information technology (IT) for manipulative marketing in the retail sector of the UK
  • To provide suggestions for policy actions that can be taken by companies and/or the government to put a handle on manipulative marketing

5. Can Businesses Benefit from Online Search Queries and Better Market Their Services and Products? A Case of FMCG Companies in the UKs


The research aims to focus on the different ways through which FMCG companies in the UK can assess online search queries and whether these companies can benefit from them or not.


  • To identify all the different ways consumers search for a particular brand, product or website online
  • To review current trends of online marketing and businesses being done online
  • To understand the importance of online search queries for businesses
  • To fetch past data to examine the different ways through which FMCG companies in the UK can assess online search queries
  • To conduct authentic research and accurately conclude how FMCG companies can further leverage online search queries for their benefit

6. A Mixed Method Study to Identify Whether Customer Loyalty is A Behaviour or An Attitude


The study aims to analyse how customer loyalty is determined and whether it can be classified as behaviour or attitude


  • To explain the concept of customer loyalty
  • To carry out a comparative analysis between different elements of attitude and behaviour
  • To use the comparison to determine whether customer loyalty is a behaviour or an attitude
  • To suggest different ways companies can enhance customer loyalty

7. A Study to Examine How Relationship Marketing Influences Customer Loyalty – An Analysis of Suzuki Motors


The study aims to use Suzuki Motors to understand how relationship marketing influences customer loyalty.


  • To explain the importance of customer loyalty for brands
  • To examine the influence of relationship marketing on customer loyalty
  • To assess how Suzuki Motors employs relationship marketing to maintain customer loyalty
  • To determine the outcomes of relationship marketing strategies employed by Suzuki motors
  • To suggest further different ways that companies can use relationships to strengthen customer loyalty to their brands

8. Assessing the Relationship between Loyalty Schemes and Customer Satisfaction – Do They Have an Impact?


With Nectar (multi-partner loyalty program owned by Sainsbury) and Morrison as case study examples, the following study aims to analyse whether loyalty schemes influence customer satisfaction or not.


  • To examine the importance of customer satisfaction for brands
  • To examine the nature of the relationship between loyalty schemes and customer satisfaction
  • To review Nectar and Morrison as case study examples of loyalty programs
  • To use these case study examples to determine whether loyalty schemes influence customer satisfaction or not
  • In case of a positive conclusion, explore various means that brands can use to design their loyalty programs and the points they need to consider to maintain customer satisfaction

9. A Study to Examine Whether Technology-Driven Customer Engagement Leads to Better Customer Satisfaction for Brands in Comparison to Traditional Methods of Engagement – Using UK Fashion Retail Sector as Case Study Example


To study aims to compare and contrast the effectiveness of technology in driving customer engagement for fashion retail brands in the UK in comparison to traditional methods of engagement.


  • To examine the relationship between customer engagement and customer satisfaction
  • To review several traditional methods used to drive customer engagement
  • To review how technology has changed the customer engagement landscape
  • To use the UK retail sector as a case study example to examine how brands are using technology-driven customer engagement to produce better customer satisfaction
  • To determine which method of customer engagement is more successful

10. How Can Customers Better protect Themselves from Deceitful Direct Marketing Techniques?


The study mainly aims to suggest the different ways that customers can better protect themselves from becoming a target of deceitful direct marketing techniques employed by fashion retail companies in the U.S..


  • To examine the different unethical and unlawful ways companies adapt through digital marketing
  • To review the current landscape and provide examples of deceitful direct marketing techniques employed by fashion retail companies in the U.S.
  • To review laws in place that deal with deceitful direct marketing techniques in the U.S.
  • To suggest the different ways that customers can better protect themselves from becoming a target of deceitful direct marketing techniques employed by fashion retail companies in the U.S.

11. Examining the Difference in Customers’ Response to Digital and Direct Marketing – A Case Study of Nestley


By using Nestle as the case study example, the current study aims to compare and contrast digital and direct marketing and determine which method of marketing is more successful.


  • Compare and contrast direct marketing with digital marketing
  • Assess several different examples of how Nestle has used direct and digital marketing techniques and their outcomes
  • To use the comparison to determine which marketing method is more successful
  • To suggest further different ways in which Nestle and other companies can use direct and digital marketing techniques to boost brand visibility and product sales

12. Determining the Relationship between How Long a Voice Message Lasts and the Success of Tele-Marketing – A Case of UK Mobile Industry


The study aims to assess the success of telemarketing as a marketing tool and examine the relationship between the duration of a voice message and its success for different companies (Vodafone, EE, O2, and Three) operating in the mobile industry of the UK.


  • To review the mobile network infrastructure of the UK
  • To assess the reason behind Vodafone, EE, O2, and Three being known as the ‘big four’ of the UK mobile industry
  • To analyse the reason for the success of telemarketing as a marketing tool
  • To examine the relationship between the duration of a voice message and its success for Vodafone, EE, O2, and Three
  • To offer suggestions on how other mobile network operators can use the telemarketing approach for their business success

13. A Study to Determine Whether Language Influences a Brand’s Identity – A Case Study of Coca-Colas


By using Coca-Cola Pakistan and Coca-Cola Indonesia as case study examples, the current study aims to determine whether a brand’s identity is affected by a language or not.


  • To analyse the philosophy behind Coca-Cola’s global brand and the image it wants to portray
  • to determine the relationship between a brand’s identity and the language of a region
  • To analyse several different marketing campaigns of Coca-Cola Pakistan and Coca-Cola Indonesia and the impact they had on the public and organisational sales
  • To assess whether other companies are following the same approach and suggest how it can be improved

14. A Study to Determine Whether Religion, Beliefs and Values Have Any Influence on Businesses Across the World


By focusing on two different cultures (the Pakistani culture and the Chinese culture), the following study aims to assess how companies can market their products in a market teeming with different cultures. The case study example of the business will be Pepsi.


  • To compare and contrast how the Pakistani culture and values that the nationals hold differ from that of the Chinese
  • To discuss why and how one market teeming with different cultures can make it challenging for a business to market its products
  • To examine how Pepsi has been marketing its products to its target market in ways that do not hurt the sentiments of the Pakistani audience as well as the Chinese audience in relation to their religion, beliefs and values
  • To suggest different ways that other companies can approach the issue of marketing their products in a market comprising several different cultures

15. Determining Ways Businesses Can Overcome the Negative Impact of Hate Speech by Unhappy Customers


The following study aims to identify different ways that businesses can overcome the negative impact of hate speech by unhappy customers by taking SheIn as a case study example


  • To review the detrimental effects of hate speech of customers for businesses
  • To review laws in place in the U.S. that help businesses deal with hate speech
  • To analyse the reasons for SheIn being a victim of hate speech at the hands of customers
  • To assess how the negative impact of hate speech by unhappy customers has affected SheIn’s business
  • To suggest different ways that SheIn and other companies can overcome the negative impact of hate speech by unhappy customers on its business

16. Exploring the Impact of Online Advertising Strategies on Consumer Purchase Intentions


This study aims to evaluate how different Internet advertising strategies affect customers’ buying propensity.


  • To assess the effectiveness of various online advertising channels in influencing consumers’ intent to buy, such as social media and search engine marketing.
  • To investigate how creative and innovative online advertising efforts affect consumers’ intent to buy
  • To determine the demographic and psychological elements that may impact the relationship between online advertising strategies and buying intention.

17. Leveraging Digital Marketing for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs): A Case Study Approach


This research aims to investigate how small and medium-sized businesses might improve their online marketing tactics to grow their businesses.


  • To perform case studies on how small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) use social media and content marketing to assess the efficacy of digital marketing tactics for SMEs.
  • To assess how these digital marketing tactics affect the creation of income, the development of brand recognition, and customer acquisition.
  • To determine the best practises and challenges those SMEs must overcome when implementing digital marketing strategy.

18. Consumer Trust and Online Advertising: Building Trust in the Digital Age


The research aims to examine the importance of consumer trust in digital advertising and how it affects purchasing decisions.


  • To examine factors like source credibility and communication openness that affect consumers’ confidence in Internet marketing.
  • To assess how consumer trust affects consumer attitudes and intentions toward online advertising
  • To offer guidance to marketers and advertisers on how to create and maintain consumer trust in their campaigns.

19. Impact of Intrinsic Factors on Impulsive Online Shopping Behaviour during COVID-19: A Comparative Study of Emerging Markets


This study aims to assess how external factors affect people’s propensity to make internet purchases in various developing nations during the epidemic.


  • To look into how hedonistic and utilitarian values affect people’s tendency to buy products and services online in developing marketplaces.
  • To investigate the connections between materialism and fashion preferences in various areas and the attitudes towards online shopping related to trust.
  • To find any unique cultural or contextual factors that can affect impulsive online purchasing behaviour in the various rising markets.

20. The Impact of Time Scarcity Promotions on Online Consumer Behaviour: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis


The aim is to thoroughly synthesise the literature to assess the impact of time-sensitive promotions on various aspects of online consumer behaviour.


  • To thoroughly evaluate and analyse the body of knowledge on time-strain promotions in online marketing.
  • To evaluate the quantitative effects of time-strain campaigns on various outcome factors, including decision-making, regret, and deal attraction.
  • To investigate the various mediators, such as product kind, demographics, and retail environment, of the interaction between time-strain marketing and the consumer.
  • To highlight the effectiveness of time-constrained promotions in online retail and how they affect advertisers.

21. Consumer Trust and Perceived Value in Time-Limited Online Deals: A Cross-Cultural Analysis


This research aims to look at how customers from diverse cultural backgrounds perceive and react to time-sensitive online offers, focusing on trust and perceived worth.


  • To collect data from consumers across diverse cultural contexts and analyse their confidence levels in time-limited offers from online shops.
  • To investigate how the perceived value of time scarcity promotions varies between cultures and its influence on purchase intent.
  • To uncover cultural variables that may diminish the link between time-limited promotions and customer behaviour.
  • To advise foreign online businesses on customising their marketing strategies to varied cultural tastes.

22. Digital Marketing and Brand Loyalty: Investigating the Mediating Role of Consumer Satisfactions


This research aims to look into the relationship between online marketing, customer happiness, and consumer loyalty in the digital realm.


  • To understand how digital marketing tactics can affect consumer satisfaction
  • To analyse the literature that is currently accessible on the subject of digital marketing and consumer satisfaction.
  • To assess the link between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, give marketers advice on how to use digital marketing to boost customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

23. Consumer Trust and Privacy Concerns in Digital Marketing: Implications for Consumer Satisfaction


To investigate how consumer confidence and privacy concerns affect consumer happiness in digital marketing.


  • To assess the most recent research on privacy issues and consumer trust in digital marketing to comprehend the connection between customer satisfaction and consumer trust.
  • To investigate methods that organisations might use to enhance customer satisfaction, handle privacy issues
  • To offer guidance on how to conduct digital marketing ethically and efficiently.

24. Personalisation in Digital Marketing: Customising Content for Enhanced Consumer Satisfaction


This research aims to examine the ramifications of content personalisation in digital marketing and how it affects consumer satisfaction.


  • To assess the effects of content personalisation on customer satisfaction and engagement in digital marketing.
  • To determine potential issues and moral questions raised by the use of personalised content in online marketing
  • To advise companies on successfully executing strategies for personalised content to increase customer satisfaction.

25. The Impact of Social Media Marketing Features on Online Trust and Customer Loyalty in the E-commerce Industry


This study aims to assess the effects of several social media marketing components on e-commerce customer trust and loyalty, including engagement, entertainment, information, and relevancy.


  • To review the literature on social media marketing in order to obtain a better understanding of its implications on online trust, consumer loyalty, and other areas of e-commerce marketing.
  • To investigate the relationship between social media marketing characteristics, to uncover the significance of online trust
  • To offer practical guidance on how e-commerce businesses may optimise their social media marketing strategies to promote consumer loyalty.

26. The Role of Twitter in Shaping Consumer Behaviour: A Study of Food Retailers’ Communication Strategies in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic


This study aims to investigate the effect of food retailers’ social media communications on consumer behaviour during the coronavirus epidemic.


  • To investigate the evolution of food retailers’ Twitter communication techniques in the aftermath of the epidemic
  • To acquire insight into the pandemic’s effects on customer perception and purchasing behaviour.
  • To investigate the relationship between the evolution of Twitter communication and the adoption of Omni channel shopping
  • To better understand the ever-changing function of social media in the crisis communication process for food retailers.

27. The Influence of Social Media Alcohol Marketing on Women’s Drinking Habits


This study aims to assess the impact of alcohol promotion on social media platforms on female alcohol intake.


  • To analyse the extent to which alcohol marketing is prominent on social media platforms and the content linked with it.
  • To survey women to establish their level of alcohol marketing and its impact on their drinking habits.
  • To assess the relationship between several types of alcohol marketing, such as lifestyle, empowerment, and product-based marketing, and women’s drinking behaviours.

28. Digital Marketing Adoption and Internationalization in SMEs


The aim of this study is to assess the relationship between digital marketing usage and the globalisation of small and medium-sized businesses.


  • To examine case studies of small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) that have achieved international expansion through digital marketing.
  • To identify the challenges and opportunities related to the deployment of digital marketing for international expansion.
  • To provide a platform for SMEs wishing to enhance their international reach through digital marketing.

29. Engaging the Young Generation: Social Media Marketing for Geoparks


This research aims to assess the impact of social media marketing on the penetration of younger audiences into geoparks and geotourism promotion.


  • To investigate the impact of geotourism social media marketing on the engagement of younger geopark visitors.
  • To Identify new social media trends relating to geotourism
  • To develop a geo-targeted social media marketing strategy.

30. Perceived Firm Size as a Mediator in Online Marketing: Implications for International Brands


This study aims to look into the relationship between the choice of marketing channels and the authenticity of a brand about the firm’s perceived size.


  • To investigate the impact of consumer marketing channel choices on the perception of company size among multinational brand customers.
  • To investigate how perceived firm size affects brand authenticity
  • To advise on how international brands can control this perception through internet marketing.

31. Innovative Online Marketing Approaches for Small Family-Owned Eco-Tourism Ventures


This research aims to look at new online marketing tactics that can help small, family-run ecological tourism enterprises increase their visibility and profitability.


  • To assess the impact of emerging internet marketing tactics in eco-tours (such as influencer marketing and virtual tours).
  • To provide a suite of cutting-edge online marketing tools for eco-friendly family companies.
  • To examine the impact of new strategies on consumer acquisition and environmental sustainability.

32. Online Marketing Strategies for Regulating and Monitoring Grey Market Pharmaceutical Sales


This study aims to develop efficient online marketing strategies to aid in regulating and monitoring the sale of unapproved pharmaceutical items on traditional e-commerce sites, particularly innovative synthetic peptide hormones (SPH).


  • To assess the current state of pharmaceutical product sales via e-commerce channels in the United Kingdom.
  • To discover online marketing tactics that can be used to detect and deter the sale of illegal or possibly hazardous pharmaceutical items
  • To assess the possible impact of such online marketing initiatives on consumer health and safety.
  • To investigate the potential legal and ethical ramifications of using internet marketing methods to regulate and monitor pharmaceutical sales on the grey market, considering factors such as consumer privacy, industry regulation, and potential legal difficulties.

33. Consumer Perceptions of Cannabis Brands on Instagram


The aim is to leverage Instagram and marketing strategies to learn more about how consumers view cannabis brands.


  • To investigate, through surveys or interviews, how Instagram users regard various cannabis brands.
  • To investigate the effects of user-generated content and reviews on brand perception.
  • To determine the factors that affect customer trust and loyalty towards cannabis brands on Instagram.
  • To give cannabis brands the knowledge they need to improve their Instagram presence and reputation.

34. Online Marketing Transformation in Small Shoe Businesses: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic


This study aims to examine how the coronavirus pandemic has changed small shoe companies’ internet marketing techniques.


  • To evaluate how small shoe companies use e-commerce platforms and digital marketing tools to meet their online marketing requirements.
  • To evaluate how these changes in digital marketing have affected the company’s operations and consumer connections.
  • To examine the challenges and obstacles that small shoe firms had when moving to an online marketing system during the COVID-19 pandemic and to propose solutions to overcome them to achieve success.
  • To offer direction to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) wishing to improve their internet marketing tactics after the wake of the pandemic.

35. Navigating TikTok for First-Time Publishers


The aim is to instruct new or inexperienced publishers on how to use TikTok as a platform for marketing in an efficient manner.


  • To give new publishers a thorough overview of TikTok marketing, including the procedures required to develop content, set up an account, and establish a presence on the site.
  • To explain the benefits of effective marketing campaigns for new publishers.
  • To examine case studies of effective TikTok marketing campaigns by first-time publishers to pinpoint the essential tactics, inventive approaches, and elements that made them successful.
  • To offer guidance on establishing a presence on TikTok and becoming more visible in the publishing sector.

Frequently Asked Questions

A dissertation in marketing is a long paper that deals with a specific issue and your approach to resolving it by conducting original research.

  • Product
  • Price
  • Place
  • Promotion

These are the 4 primary elements of marketing mix which are also known as 4Ps.

Product management, financing, promotion, selling, pricing, marketing management, and distribution are seven key marketing functions.

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