Marketing Management Dissertation Topics

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1. Sustainability Marketing: Consumer Perceptions and Corporate Responsibility


This study aims to assess how consumers perceive and respond to CSR and marketing strategies that support sustainability.


  • To assess consumer perceptions of sustainable brands and environmentally friendly goods.
  • To evaluate the effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes on brand perception and consumer behaviour.
  • To offer guidance on how businesses may match their marketing plans more effectively with their sustainability goals.

2. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Marketing Management


This research aims to assess how the roles of marketing managers may change due to the incorporation of AI technologies.


  • To investigate how artificial intelligence (AI) is currently used in marketing management.
  • To assess the benefits and difficulties that AI may present for marketing managers and the knowledge and skills required to flourish in an AI-powered world.
  • To offer direction to businesses on successfully integrating AI into marketing management.

3. Data-Driven Decision-Making in Marketing Management


This research aims to understand better the importance of data analytics in marketing management and how it influences decision-making.


  • To investigate the use of big data to inform marketing strategy and decisions.
  • To describe the primary metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) used by marketing managers to analyse data.
  • To investigate the potential problems and ethical consequences of data-driven marketing.
  • To provide ways to allow marketing managers to use data to make educated judgments.

4. Evolving Skillsets of Future Marketing Managers


This study aims to look at the changing abilities and competencies that marketing managers must have in the digital age.


  • To investigate the existing and emerging abilities required for marketing management roles and the possibility for technology and automation to change the skill needs.
  • To analyse the value of continual learning and professional growth for marketing managers
  • To guide how educational institutions and individuals may react to the changing skill requirements.

5. Consumer Behaviour in the Digital Age: Implications for Marketing Management


This research aims to look at how customer behaviour has altered in the digital age and how it has affected marketing practises.


  • To identify all the different ways consumers search for a particular brand, product or website online
  • To review current trends of online marketing and businesses being done online
  • To understand the importance of online search queries for businesses
  • To fetch past data to examine the different ways through which FMCG companies in the UK can assess online search queries
  • To conduct authentic research and accurately conclude how FMCG companies can further leverage online search queries for their benefit

6. Sustainability and Ethical Marketing Management


The study aims to look into how sustainability and ethical concepts are implemented into marketing practises and how they affect consumer perception.


  • To investigate the extent to which sustainability practises are incorporated into marketing strategies
  • To assess consumer attitudes towards environmentally friendly and ethical products
  • to assess the challenges and opportunities of ethical marketing across various sectors
  • To propose ethical marketing strategies for marketing managers to improve brand reputation.

7. Intersectionality in Marketing: Exploring the Interplay of Gender, Sexuality, and Religion


This study aims to investigate the relationship between gender, sexuality, and religion and their impact on consumer behaviour, preferences, and identity in marketing.


  • To investigate the impact of gender, sexuality, and religion on consumer behaviour.
  • To present an analysis of marketing tactics and commercials that appeal to a wide range of genders, sexual orientations, and religious affiliations. To investigate the impact of intersectional identity on consumer loyalty and engagement.
  • To offer advice to marketers on how to design marketing efforts that are inclusive and courteous.

8. Marketing Pedagogy as a Subversive Practice: Challenges and Opportunities


This study aims to look into the idea of marketing education as a subversive activity and its ability to challenge established paradigms and ideas.


  • To Look for instances where marketing pedagogy has disrupted standard marketing paradigms.
  • To investigate the effect of subversive marketing education on students’ viewpoints and critical thinking.
  • To identify problems and oppositions faced by educators in applying subversive pedagogical ideas
  • To make recommendations for promoting subversive marketing pedagogy in academic institutions

9. Managing Tourist Congestion: The Role of Package Tours in Popular Destinations


This study aims to assess the effects of package tours in famous tourist areas on visitor congestion and propose solutions to the problem.


  • To investigate the association between package tours and the amount of tourist congestion in different UK cities.
  • To look into the root reasons for the congestion
  • To assess the effectiveness of existing destination management measures in reducing congestion
  • To make recommendations to destination authorities on how to manage the issue of package tour congestion more effectively.

10. Early Twitter Discourse on ChatGPT and Its Implications for Marketing


This study aims to investigate the early Twitter discussion regarding ChatGPT and its potential impact on marketing strategies and approaches.


  • To investigate the early feelings and concerns raised by Twitter users about ChatGPT in connection to marketing.
  • To investigate the tone and mood of Twitter talks about ChatGPT about marketing.
  • To evaluate the evolution of these initial impressions and apprehensions over time.
  • To provide insight into the early assumptions and views of ChatGPT when utilised in marketing.

11. Sustainable Career Development through Curriculum Intervention in Marketing Education


The study aims to assess the relationship between curricular intervention and long-term career development ideas and practises in the marketing industry.


  • To investigate the theoretical underpinning for sustainable career development and its implications for curriculum intervention.
  • To assess the module’s long-term effects on students’ career paths and the sustainability of marketing careers.
  • To investigate the role of career ownership and skill development in the pursuit of sustainable marketing jobs
  • To offer solutions for incorporating sustainable career development into marketing education.

12. Assessing the Role of Soft Skills in Enhancing Employability in Global Marketing


This study aims to look into the value of building soft skills as part of a curriculum intervention and how it affects students’ perceptions of their employability in a global marketing context.


  • To investigate the integration and effectiveness of soft skills training.
  • To assess the impact of soft skills on students’ perceptions of employability (such as communication, teamwork, and flexibility).
  • To investigate the relationship between soft skill development and students’ potential for careers in international marketing.
  • To provide ideas on increasing the inclusion of soft skills in marketing education.

13. Social Media Marketing Strategies for Libraries: Lessons from Successful Cases


This research aims to assess the effectiveness of library social media marketing campaigns and their impact on user interaction and resource utilisation.


  • To investigate how libraries use social media to advertise their products and services.
  • To examine the tactics, information, and distribution channels used to be successful.
  • To advise libraries on developing and implementing effective social media marketing plans.

14. Sales Enablement Strategies in Complex B2B Organizations: A Comparative Analysisd


This research aims to assess and contrast the various sales enablement strategies used by sophisticated B2B (business-to-business) businesses to improve the performance of their sales forces.


  • To give a general overview of the essential components of efficient Sales Enablement approaches while contrasting their efficiency across various Business-to-Business (B2B) organisations.
  • To research how Sales Enablement affects both organisational effectiveness and revenue growth.
  • To guide how to enhance Sales Enablement tactics in complex B2B firms.

15. Cross-Functional Alignment in Sales Enablement: Challenges and Best Practices


This study aims to examine the challenges and accomplishments of cross-functional collaboration in sales enablement initiatives.


  • To investigate the obstacles and constraints to departmental collaboration in the context of sales enablement.
  • To assess how wealthy organisations have done at aligning their activities to support sales enablement.
  • To evaluate the various contributions that marketing and sales operations, among other areas of work, make to supporting sales teams.
  • To develop a structure for enhancing cross-functional coordination in sales enabling.

16. Metaverse Marketing: Opportunities and Challenges for Luxury Brands


This research aims to examine the opportunities and challenges faced by luxury companies that use the metaverse as a platform for brand engagement and a conduit for marketing.


  • To investigate the customer engagement and marketing tactics used by premium firms in the metaverse today.
  • To investigate the different facets of consumer perception and behaviour related to virtual luxury brand experiences and any potential effects that metaverse marketing may have on brand equity and customer loyalty.
  • To offer guidance on how to make luxury brand metaverse marketing tactics more effective.

17. Measuring the Effect of Storytelling on Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioural Responses in Consumer-Brand Relationships


The study aims to quantify and assess the impact of narrative on consumers’ cognitive, emotional, and behavioural responses to brands.


  • To develop a thorough methodology for assessing consumers’ cognitive, emotional, and behavioural responses to brand storytelling.
  • To assess each response’s relative importance in forecasting brand engagement and purchase intention.
  • To investigate the moderating influence of several modes of storytelling (visual, video, and written) on consumer-brand interactions in terms of cognitive, emotional, and behavioural reactions.
  • To make suggestions for improving narrative techniques in light of response preferences.

18. Exploring the Impact of Meme Marketing on Brand Engagement and Consumer Behaviour


This study aims to assess how consumer behaviour and brand involvement in the contemporary digital environment are affected by meme marketing.


  • To investigate how meme marketing affects consumer involvement and the development of brand-specific speech behaviours.
  • To investigate how speech acts used in meme marketing affect how different types of customer value are created.
  • To assess the impact of meme virilisation and share ability on brand expansion and the elements that drive meme marketing campaign virilisation.
  • To give marketers insights into practical strategies for maximising the potential of meme marketing.

19. The Impact of Customer Mind-set Metrics on Consumer Spending: A Comparative Study across Multiple Countries


The study aims to investigate and uncover cross-border variations in the impact of customer mind-set metrics (CMMs) on consumer spending across countries.


  • To investigate the relationship between customer mind-set metrics (CMMs) and consumer spending in various countries.
  • To investigate the various effects of cultural, economic, and political factors on this correlation.
  • To assess the moderating effect of sector-specific components on the correlation between CMM and consumer expenditure in different nations and to obtain insight into sector-specific variances.
  • To give multinational corporations insights into how to optimise marketing efforts based on Currency Conversion Markets in various national settings.

20. Economic Structure and Customer Mind-set Metrics: Implications for Business Growth


This study aims to investigate the relationship between a country’s economic characteristics (i.e., service orientation vs. manufacturing orientation) and the correlation between customer mind-set metrics (CMMs) characteristics and business growth..


  • To compare the effects of CMMs on enterprises operating in service-based versus manufacturing-based economies.
  • To investigate how organisations in various economic circumstances might benefit from CMMs for growth.
  • To assess the relationship between the effectiveness of CMMs and business expansion through time due to changes in the economic structure of both the manufacturing and service sectors.
  • To provide strategic guidance for organisations working in a variety of economic circumstances.

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