Taxation Dissertation Topics

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1. Taxation and economic inequality: An analysis of the redistributive effects of progressive tax systems


The key aims of this dissertation is to focuses on the redistributive impacts of progressive tax systems in order to study the connection between taxes and economic inequality. The following are the key objectives of this study..


  • To examine the progressive taxation’s theoretical foundation and the projected effects in terms of overcoming the economic inequality.
  • To demonstrate the potential issues and limitation on progressive taxation, such as high-income people’s methods of tax evasion and avoidance.
  • To investigate better policy recommendation in terms of increasing the efficacy of progressive tax systems.

2. The impact of tax policy on foreign direct investment: A comparative analysis of developed and developing countries.


The main purpose of this dissertation is to compare the effects of tax policy on foreign direct investment and look into how tax policy affects foreign direct investment (FDI). The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To investigate how tax policy interacts with other variables, including as infrastructure, market size, and political stability, in affecting FDI decisions.
  • To demonstrate the factors which are essential for making recommendations for enhancing the efficiency of tax laws in luring foreign direct investment.
  • To investigate how tax policy interacts with other variables, such as infrastructure, market size, and political stability, in effecting FDI decision.

3. Tax compliance behavior of high-net-worth individuals: Factors influencing voluntary tax compliance


The key aims of this dissertation is to focusses on analyzing the voluntary tax compliance practices of high-net-worth people (HNWIs) and highlights the factors that impacts on this behaviour. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To demonstrate the prominent factors that impacts on the HNWI which includes social norms, tax enforcement measures, penalties and tax planning strategies.
  • To analyse the impact of taxpayer attributes on HNWIs’ tax compliance choices, including income level, wealth, education, occupation, and demographic aspects.
  • To investigate the effects of tax authorities and tax policy, particularly the efficiency of tax enforcement methods and the structure of tax systems, on the compliance behaviour of HNWIs.

4. The role of tax incentives in promoting renewable energy adoption


The key aims of this dissertation seeks to investigate the function of tax incentives in encouraging the use of renewable energy sources. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To demonstrate the implementation and design of tax incentives for the use of renewable energy in various nations, taking into account elements like tax credits, grants, exemptions, and accelerated depreciation.
  • To investigate how tax incentives interact with other policy tools, such as feed-in tariffs, renewable portfolio standards, and carbon pricing, in promoting the use of renewable energy.
  • To demonstrates the factors which are essential for providing the better recommendation of renewable energy adoption.

5. Taxation and corporate social responsibility: An examination of corporate tax practices and social initiatives


The main purpose of this dissertation is to better analyse the relationship between taxation and corporate social responsibility (CSR), implements on businesses’ tax policies and social efforts. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To investigate corporate social responsibility programmes, which includes charity, community development initiatives, and environmental sustainability efforts, and assess their performance.
  • To analyse various recommendation on how to coordinate tax policies with on programmes in a way that encourages both financial responsibility and social impact for politicians, businesses, and users.

6. The effects of tax policy on cross-border mergers and acquisitions


The key aims of this dissertation seeks to looks into factors how tax policy affects international mergers and acquisitions (M&A). The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To determine the effect of tax policy on the volume and trends of cross-border M&A activity.
  • To analyse the predominant responsibilities of multiple factors which includes regulatory environment, market size and the industry characteristics.
  • To analyse the effective recommendations to improve the efficiency and fairness of tax laws relating to cross-border M&A.

7. Taxation and economic growth: A case study of emerging economies


The main purpose of this study is to monitor the link between taxation and economic growth in emerging economies. The study contributes to the study of link between taxation and economic growth in developing nations by promoting valuable insights for scholars, policymakers. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To evaluate the tax systems and regulations put in place in a few emerging economies, taking into account things like tax rates, tax structure, tax administration, and tax incentives.
  • To analyse the trade-offs that might be made and the best tax policies for fostering economic growth in emerging nations.

8. Taxation of the digital economy: Challenges and policy implications..


The key aims of this dissertation is to examines the difficulties and political ramifications of taxing the digital economy. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To examine multiple strategies utilised by nations and international organisations, such as the establishment of digital services taxes.
  • To evaluate the financial and political effects of various tax policies aimed at the digital economy, taking into account elements like revenue generation, competitiveness, fairness, and administrative viability.
  • To analyse how tax policies may affect economic growth, investment, and innovation in the digital sector.

9. The influence of tax policy on multinational corporations’ location decision


The key aims of this dissertation is to examines the how tax policy affects where multinational firms choose to do business. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To analyse the effective factors such as market accessibility, labor costs, infrastructure, and tax policy, that influenced on the multinational firms.
  • To evaluate the impact of tax rates, tax incentives, and other tax-related issues on the location decisions made by multinational firms.
  • To demonstrate the effectiveness of how multinational firms that operate in various industries or sectors choose their locations.

10. The effectiveness of tax amnesties in promoting tax compliance


The key aspect of this dissertation is to advance the comprehensive understanding of how tax amnesties work to encourage tax compliance. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To demonstrate the psychological and economic theories that underlie tax amnesties.
  • To examine the factors which includes perceived danger of detection, penalties, and potential rewards, that affect taxpayers’ choice to take part in tax amnesties.
  • To analyse how tax amnesties affect the way taxes are collected and the broader tax system.

11. Taxation and the Sharing Economy.


The key aspect of this dissertation is to seeks the difficulties and opportunities which the sharing economy presents for taxation and promotes effective guidance towards the authorities and policy makers. The following are the key objectives of this study.

  • To evaluate the development and effects of the sharing economy.
  • To analyse the factors how sharing economy participants behave in terms of tax compliance.
  • To address the effects of cross-border sharing economy activities and evaluate the difficulties and possibilities for international tax cooperation.

12. Taxation and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


The main purpose of this dissertation is to analyse how taxes play a part in attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations and to offer recommendation on how to integrate taxes into sustainable development goals. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To analyse the relationship between sustainable development Goals (SDGs) and taxation.
  • To evaluate how tax policies affect each Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and how they are interconnected, both directly and indirectly.
  • To demonstrate the long-term effects of income distribution, tax revenue allocation, and other policy changes on sustainable development.

13. Taxation of Stock Options and Equity Compensation:.


The key aspect of this dissertation is to analyse the tax implications of stock options and equity compensation and offer insightful analysis and suggestions for various stakeholders. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To examine how tax laws impact the financial choices, incentives, and compensation plans of people.
  • To analyse the differences in how different types of stock compensation are taxed.
  • To address the timing of tax obligations related to stock pay, taking into account vesting schedules, exercise options, and long-term tax planning concerns.

14. Tax evasion and Tax avoidance


This dissertation ensures to critically evaluate the concepts of tax evasion and tax avoidance, their effects on tax revenue, and the efficacy of actions taken to stop this behaviour. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To analyse the effects of tax avoidance and evasion on government revenue, public services, income inequality, and economic stability.
  • To investigate the national and international legal frameworks and rules controlling taxation, tax evasion, and tax avoidance.
  • Examine the incentives and motivations that lead people and organisations to participate in tax evasion and avoidance.

15. Tax Compliance and Behavioral Economics


The key aspect of this dissertation aims to analyse the behavioral factors which influenced on the peoples and organisations decisions about tax compliance. The following are the key objectives of this study. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To examine how people and corporations behave in terms of paying their taxes, as well as the variables that affect this behaviour.
  • To investigate the foundational ideas of behavioral economics, including bounded rationality, loss aversion, and social norms.
  • To demonstrate the awareness of various communication tactics employed by tax authorities to promote tax compliance while taking behavioral insights into account.

16. Taxation of intellectual property transaction .


The main purpose of this dissertation is to seek out the tax consequences of intellectual property (IP) transactions in order to comprehend how IP is taxed throughout transfers, licensing, and management and to offer guidance to people, businesses, and policymakers. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To study the current tax laws, statutes, and rules that apply to international and domestic intellectual property transactions.
  • To determine how tax laws influenced on the innovation, the transfer of technology, and the production and distribution of intellectual property.

17. Taxation of employee benefits


The key aspect of this dissertation is to explore the tax consequences of employee benefits in order to comprehend how tax laws affect both employees and companies in relation to employee pay packages. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To analyse the major employee benefit categories, such as health insurance, retirement plans, stock options, and fringe perks, and comprehend their importance in current compensation packages.
  • To examine the current tax laws, rules, and guidelines that apply to employee benefits.
  • To analyse the multiple approaches and difficulties involved in determining the fair market value of supplied benefits when assessing employee benefits for tax purposes.

18. Wealth and inheritance taxes


The key aspect of this dissertation is to access the underlying concepts, ramifications, and effects of wealth and inheritance taxes in order to comprehend how these levies affect wealth redistribution, tax revenue, and socioeconomic justice. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To analyse the impact of wealth and inheritance taxes on how wealth is distributed within a particular jurisdiction and between different areas.
  • To examine how wealth and inheritance taxes affect economic growth, investments and savings.
  • To analyse the inheritance and wealth tax system, including as tax rates, exemptions, and valuation techniques.

19. Taxation in Developing Countries


The main purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the role of taxation in economic development, revenue generation, and poverty reduction. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To demonstrate the factors how foreign investment and international aid affect domestic tax receipts.
  • To analyse multiple strategies to enhance taxation and lower tax evasion in low-income nations.
  • To examine the relationship between tax laws, income production, and economic expansion in certain emerging nations.

20. Tax Policy and Reform


The key aspect of this dissertation is to analyse the tax reform initiatives and policies in order to comprehend how they may affect overall fiscal sustainability, income distribution, economic growth, and tax revenue. The following are the key objectives of this study.


  • To analyse the impacts of various tax policy decisions on regional economic outcomes.
  • To identify areas in which tax policy revisions and alterations may be required to align with more general economic and social goals.
  • To determine the impact of recent tax policy changes on the economic expansion and overall performance of a nation.

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