Technology Dissertation Topics

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1.The role of Artificial Intelligence in enhancing cybersecurity


This dissertation’s main goal is to research and evaluate how artificial intelligence (AI) may improve cybersecurity. It aims to investigate how AI innovations can handle increasing cyber threats and boost the efficiency of cybersecurity measures.


  • To assess the current cybersecurity environment, taking into account typical threats, weaknesses, and protection strategies.
  • To determine the shortcomings and difficulties existing cybersecurity techniques have in dealing with contemporary cyber threats.
  • To examine the different AI methods and algorithms utilized in cybersecurity today, including the use of machine learning, neural networks, and the processing of natural language.

2. Blockchain Technology and its Applications in Supply Chain Management


Examining how blockchain technology could alter supply chain management techniques is the main goal of this dissertation. It intends to look at how supply networks’ openness, efficiency, and trust might be improved via blockchain technology.


  • To evaluate the current supply chain management procedures, taking into account their advantages, disadvantages, and major difficulties.
  • To determine the components of supply chain management where operational effectiveness depends on transparency, traceability, and confidence.
  • To give a thorough introduction to blockchain technology, including an explanation of its foundational ideas, data structure, and cryptographic procedures.

3. Exploring the Ethical implications of Facial recognition technology


This dissertation’s main goal is a critical analysis of the ethical issues and conundrums raised by face recognition technology. It aims to give a thorough awareness of the societal effects and ethical ramifications of its use.


  • To evaluate the state of face recognition technology at the moment, including its capabilities, uses, and implementation in several industries (such as security, monitoring, and commercial usage.
  • To describe the technological elements, constraints, biases, and accuracy metrics of face recognition systems.
  • To look at the moral concerns that privacy invasion, monitoring, and potential abuse of face recognition technology raise.

4. The impact of 5G technology on the internet of things


This dissertation’s main goal is to explore and assess how 5G technology is changing the Internet of Things (IoT) environment. It intends to investigate how the rollout of 5G networks affects the functionalities and possible uses of IoT systems and devices.


  • To give a general summary of the current state of IoT technology, including their uses, difficulties, and constraints.
  • To analyze the essential components of 5G technology, such as its network slicing, reduced latency, and speed.
  • To look at how IoT devices and apps might benefit from improved connectivity, scalability, and dependability provided by 5G networks.

5. Sustainable energy solution: Advancement in solar panel technology


This dissertation’s main goal is to examine recent developments in solar panel technology and their connection to environmentally friendly energy sources. It intends to look into how these advances are enhancing solar energy generation’s efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and environmental impact


  • To give a general summary of the current state of solar panel technology, covering different solar cell types, raw materials, and production techniques.
  • To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the present solar panel technologies with regard to effectiveness, robustness, and environmental impact.
  • To look into the most recent advancements in solar panel production, materials, and design, with an emphasis on technologies that improve sustainability and energy conversion efficiency.

6. Data privacy and security in the age of Big data: Challenges and solutions


This dissertation’s main goal is to examine the complex issues surrounding data security and privacy in the framework of the Big Data age. It attempts to investigate the changing data privacy and security concerns brought on by extensive data gathering, processing, and distribution. The dissertation also aims to provide efficient ways and remedies to lessen these difficulties, guaranteeing that people’s privacy rights are safeguarded while encouraging development in Big Data analytics.


  • To present a comprehensive examination of the existing methods, tools, and laws controlling data security and privacy in the framework of big data.
  • To recognize and explain the main difficulties, dangers, and weaknesses related to the gathering, storing, and analysis of large datasets.
  • To investigate cutting-edge techniques and technologies, including encryption, anonymization, as well as access control systems, created to improve data privacy and security in Big Data circumstances.

7. Human Machine interaction: Designing user-friendly AI interference


This dissertation’s main goal is to look at the design concepts and methods that result in the creation of user-friendly AI user interfaces. In order to improve the usability, user experience, and overall efficacy of systems powered by AI and applications, it tries to investigate how human-machine interaction might be maximized.


  • To present a thorough analysis of the variety of AI interfaces that is now in use, including chatbots to communicate virtual personal assistants and other Intelligence-driven apps.
  • To examine the tenets and ideas of user-focused design and human-computer interaction (HCI) as they relate to the creation of AI interfaces.
  • To research design approaches and standards that aid in the development of client-friendly AI interfaces, such as adaptive structures, processing of natural languages, and intuitive user interfaces.

8. The Future of Autonomous Vehicles: Technological Challenges and Legal Frameworks.


This dissertation’s main goal is to examine the potential of autonomous cars, with a particular emphasis on the technological obstacles they must overcome and the regulatory frameworks needed to control their use. It attempts to give a thorough review of the state of technology for autonomous vehicles at the moment as well as the regulatory and legal issues that will determine how they develop in the future.


  • To evaluate the most recent developments in sensor structures, artificial intelligence techniques, and control systems for autonomous vehicles.
  • To assess the advancements achieved in the production of autonomous cars and to pinpoint the major technical issues and constraints that must be solved for wide-scale use.
  • To evaluate the improvements made in the manufacture of autonomous vehicles and to identify the key technological problems and limitations that must be overcome for widespread deployment.

9. Cloud computing and its influence on Business Agility Innovations


This dissertation’s main goal is to examine how cloud computing affects company innovation and agility. It aims to comprehend how cloud technology affects businesses’ capacity to innovate, adapt to shifting market conditions, and achieve a competitive advantage


  • To determine the company’s cloud computing acceptance trends, considering the many cloud service types used (such as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS).
  • To assess the primary driving forces for cloud migration for businesses, including cost savings, scalability, and flexibility.
  • To look at the way cloud computing helps firms become more agile by enabling quick resource installation, on-demand scalability, and remote access.

10 Quantum Computing: Promises, Challenges, and Potential Applications


This dissertation’s main objective is to offer a thorough examination of quantum computing, concentrating on its benefits, drawbacks, and prospective applications. Although addressing the theoretical and technological challenges that must be surmounted, it tries to highlight the revolutionary potential of quantum computing in diverse domains.


  • To give a thorough introduction of the fundamental concepts of quantum physics, such as quantum gates, superposition, entangling, and the use of quantum bits (qubits), which enable quantum computing.
  • To examine the theoretical and computational underpinnings of quantum algorithms, emphasizing the distinctions between classical and conventional processing.
  • To look at the hardware for quantum computing as it is now, especially quantum processors, error-correcting methods, and quantum annealers.

11. The Role of Virtual Reality in Education: Enhancing Learning Experiences.


This dissertation’s main goal is to look at the use of virtual reality (VR) for educational purposes and how it may improve learning opportunities. In order to increase student engagement, understanding, as well as retention of educational material, it tries to investigate how VR technology might be successfully incorporated into educational environments.

  • To give a general overview of the present state of virtual reality software and hardware that is utilized in educational settings.
  • To evaluate VR’s educational benefits and drawbacks while taking accessibility, price, and academic results into account.
  • To look at the potential impacts of virtual reality on students’ involvement, drive, and ability to retain information during the learning process.

12. Sustainable Smart Cities: Integrating IoT and Environmental Conservation


This dissertation’s main goal is to study the idea of sustainable intelligent cities and how incorporating the Internet of Things (IoT) might help preserve the environment in metropolitan areas. It intends to investigate how IoT technology may be applied to improve resource management, lessen negative effects on the environment, and support sustainability over time in urban growth.


  • To give a general overview of the state of smart city programs across the world, including the tools and methods being used to improve urban life.
  • To examine ways IoT technology, through boosting waste management, lowering energy use and enhancing air and water quality, might help protect the environment in cities that are smart.
  • To examine case studies and illustrations of smart cities that have effectively incorporated IoT technology to meet environmental sustainability objectives.

13. Ethical Considerations in Genetic Engineering and CRISPR Technology


This dissertation’s main goal is to investigate the moral issues raised by genetic engineering, with an emphasis on the ground-breaking CRISPR technology. Its objective is to investigate the moral conundrums, disputes, and frameworks that guide the appropriate application of genetic engineering techniques and their social repercussions.


  • To give a general overview of the genetic engineering environment with a focus on the creation and use of CRISPR-Cas9 and other similar genome-editing tools.
  • To investigate the innovations in science, medicine, and agriculture made possible by these advances and how they may be used to solve urgent global problems.
  • To look into the moral conundrums and difficulties of genetic engineering, including human gene editing, designer babies, and hereditary alteration.

14. Biometric Authentication Systems: Advancements and Security Concerns


This dissertation’s main goal is to examine the improvements and security issues with biometric identification systems. It makes an effort to examine how biometric tools are evolving, potential applications, and potential safety or privacy issues that could result from their usage.


  • To provide a broad overview of the current status of biometric identification systems. This will include information on the various biometric methods (which include fingerprints, recognition of faces, and eye scans) and how they may be used to verify identities and manage access, including security.
  • To assess the merits and shortcomings of different biometric modalities in terms of accuracy, accessibility, and scale.
  • To look at new developments in biometrics, such as multi-modal biometrics, upcoming modalities, and AI-driven enhancements to biometric accuracy and dependability.

15. The Use of Drones in Agriculture: Precision Farming and Environmental Impact


This dissertation’s main goal is to examine how drones are used in agriculture, with an emphasis on precise farming and the environmental effects of drone technology. It aims to investigate how drones are changing contemporary agricultural practices to enhance productivity, sustainability, and efficiency while taking into account environmental impacts.


  • Providing a general review of the present uses of drone in agriculture, such as crop monitoring, insect control, analysis of soil, and managing irrigation.
  • To assess the inflation and interest rates of drone technology adoption in various agricultural industries and locations, highlighting the advantages and difficulties of doing so.
  • To look at how drones might help with continuous surveillance, remote sensing, and data gathering in precision agricultural techniques.

16. Internet Censorship and Freedom: A Comparative Study of Global Approaches


This dissertation’s main goal is to compare several international theories of internet freedom and restriction. With an emphasis on understanding the motives, techniques, and outcomes of these measures, it seeks to study the diverse ways used by various nations and regions to control online material and safeguard freedom of speech.


  • To give a general summary of the present state of internet freedom and censorship while emphasizing significant events, patterns, and difficulties that people, groups, and governments throughout the world are now dealing with.
  • To examine the reasons nations make for enacting internet restriction policies, such as national security, preservation of culture, and public morality protection.
  • To carry out a comparative examination of the techniques and tools, such as website blocking, content filtering, monitoring, and legislative limitations, that various nations and regions employ to censor online information.

17. Human Augmentation Technologies: Implications for Healthcare and Beyonds


This dissertation’s main goal is to research the topic of human augmentation technology and discuss its consequences, especially in light of healthcare and other social uses. It seeks to comprehend the possible advantages, moral issues, and difficulties brought on by these technologies.


  • To give a general summary of the present state of portable, implantable, and cognition augmentation technology for humans.
  • To look at the technical advancements and capacities that enabled the creation of these technologies and their integration into a variety of aspects of human life.
  • To investigate the applications of human augmentation technologies in the fields of healthcare, rehabilitation, and disability support.

18. Cyber-Physical Systems in Manufacturing: Industry 4.0 and Beyond


The primary objective of this dissertation is to examine the role of computerised physical system (CPS) in manufacturing, with a focus on the concept of Industry 4.0 and its implications for the advancement of manufacturing methods in the future. It aims to study the potential and challenges presented by the convergence of both electronic and physical systems as it relates to manufacturing.


  • To provide a broad overview of the current status of Industry 4.0 projects in manufacturing and cyber physical system, including a discussion of the technology involved like AI, IoT, and other robotics and also determined its uses in smart factories.
  • To investigate in the root causes and driving forces for the adoption of CPS in manufacturing in which including increased productivity, better quality, and a move towards mass customization.
  • To investigate the new trends and advancements in cyber physical production structures, like autonomous production techniques, human robot collaboration, and eco-friendly manufacturing techniques.

19. Space Exploration Technologies: Mars Colonization and Beyond


The aims of the study is to investigate the space exploration technology with a focus on impending deep space missions and potential Mars colonization. It aims to look at the technical challenges, scientific potential, and ethical concerns associated with human space flight beyond from Earth’s orbit.


  • To evaluate the overview of uses of technology in space exploration like, designs of spaceships, system propulsion, and also life support system.
  • To determine the present technology of space exploration in which Mars rover task, the International Space Station (ISS), and significant advances in rocket technology

20. The Influence of Social Media Algorithms on Information Dissemination and Polarization


The aims of the study is to determine the influence of social media algorithms on information dissemination and polarization. To fulfill the aims of study the following objectives are designed these objectives are as follows,.


  • To provide an in-depth description of the algorithms employed by well-known social media platforms to gather and disseminate information to users.
  • To investigate how user behavior, engagement metrics, and other factors affect how these systems rank, propose, and emphasise content.

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